Plant power design guru. Working with other designers using pots and plant to beautify commercial spaces.
It has been a while. I have been busy. I am very grateful.
Life is not easy, and we find ourselves learning and unlearning all the time.
I love going to church. Fellowship and community. I also join a ladies group every morning from 6 to 7am. One of things that we shared recently is our treasure map. The girls on the group are from all over the world and this lady lives in Israel. How interesting to get to know people from all over the world, with the focus being our relationship with God. I loved the way she the put it. It is not about what you write on the paper but what happens between you and God while you write it. Putting your life on one sheet of paper is also very insightful. You suddenly see connections between events. You notice the miracles and promises fulfilled. It gives a certain perspective.
But we live real lives, or at least I do, so all this has to show up in my life in a real way. People come into our lives to help us along the way.
I find myself in a revamping stage, yet again. As a designer this has to happen with colour and beautiful things around me. The joy that colour brings me is hard to explain. An architect told me the other day I am like those people who never had kids and make animals their children, but with plants. I have a story to tell about every plant. Like they have a personality.
The days end with me being tired. Happy.
The hours in between are filled with wonder and disgust at my own ability to collect (or is it hoarding?) items. The memories of that time that I fell in love with blue or the time we made jewelry or when we worked on a project where we had to come up with a creative solution to a very difficult situation.
All those things shaped me. But I get to decide how much of that gets to hang around in my life going forward.
So do you.
Happy planting.
P.S. This is El Toro. The wall of my studio is terracotta now. Accent walls are the most fabulous blue. I have to always have something handmade or from a community project near me. And a piece of clay.