Reusing 40% of Irrigation Water in Blueberries

Reusing 40% of Irrigation Water in Blueberries

The possibility to reusing water is one of the greatest benefits of hydroponic growing, but when growing in pots, it can be challenging to set up a good solution. This is where Azud comes in. The company, active in developing technology for efficient water use, offers solutions that allow the recovery of up to 40% of the water used for irrigation, bringing numerous benefits to crop cultivation and business profitability.

"The reuse of drainage water in hydroponic crops offers significant advantages to producers, with profitability and sustainability being the most obvious", says Javier Juárez from AZUD . "With this practice, it is possible not only to save water and fertilizers but also to move towards more sustainable agriculture."

The challenge of drainage in hydroponic agriculture

Growing hydroponically requires a constant supply of water and nutrients. However, it is necessary to drain the excess irrigation water to remove non-essential salts, as these can accumulate and damage the plant roots. The question that arises is: what to do with this drainage water?

The solution Azud found, is their Watertech RW reuse plant. "This systems makes it possible to treat and reuse drainage water for agricultural applications", Javier shows. This compact solution is available in skid-mounted and container configurations. Javier adds the reuse plant ensures a continuous supply of water, even in situations of water scarcity, which is essential to keep agricultural productions in optimal conditions and reduce dependence on external water sources.

The water treatment plant can recover up to 40% of the water initially supplied. "This translates into greater water availability for irrigation, allowing growers to expand their crops and increase their productions", he says. In addition, the Azud Watertech RW can recover up to 30% of the initial nutrients present in the irrigation water. "This means that growers can reduce fertilizer consumption, thereby promoting a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly agriculture."

Addressing the challenges of the future

The reuse of drainage water in hydroponic crops is a crucial step in the right direction towards a future with a more sustainable horticulture, says Javier. "We've installed our systems in numerous crops and see how it offers growers a tool in a world where water is an increasingly scarce and valuable resource without compromising productivity or the environment."



