Reuseable is the better Recycling
The value chain must be weighed:
- Energy and cost effects have increased significantly in the recycling industry. Disposing, producing recyclable material and then reprocessing. These processes are associated with a high energy outlay. Especially in the current times, the im- portance of energy efficiency should be reconsidered.
- Exploding gasoline prices are driving up the alrea- dy high cost of transportation even more.
- Tire abrasion is also a high load on the environment and people.
- CO2 polution/ climate impact
- The cost-benefit calculation of recycling is an eyewash. The economics behind it are questionable.
- Recycling: This rule of thumb has reached its limit! A better alternative would be the reusable system, especially in the beverage and food industry. It is better for the environment/ climate and secures jobs around the world.