Reusable components
Building UI with less tech burden
Reusable components, when designed properly, can save us lot of trouble as well as money. This is especially true for established business model, which itself tends to be sustainable over decades. Therefore for bank industry, this topic could be worth some study.
When you design a website, you can start to think of pages and components. The page is still #1 structural pillars in constructing a website, no question about it. If you haven't been practicing chopping functionalities into pages in the past, please use the page to segregate the responsibility of functionalities, so you don't get overwhelmed by implementing lots of things at one spot.
Component carries additional flexibility, if not the only way, to be swapped in and out of the page for multiple web projects. Taking Bootstrap as an example in prototyping a website, it's a superstar reusable tool to help you focus more on your content and less on how you want to theme the site. It allows you to come back to refine those components when the time is right, ex. when you get more budget. Page chops into sections, section into widgets and continuing this pattern leads us better reusability.
With the idea, let's demonstrate it with a quick example. Say we're writing our first app.
Step 1 - content, write your business content
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Of course, our first app won't be as simple as that, but let's say we'd like our site to look like the website we build before, ex. with the same header, footer and look and feel.
Step 2 – header and footer, authorization, menus, etc.
<div mc-body>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Ok, by wrapping our content with an HTML tag mc-body, the header shows up in front of the content, and the footer after. Just imagine.
Step 3 – content layout, ex. sidebar
<div mc-body>
<div mc-content>
Hello World
This can go further, let's say, we have sidebar, form, button, grid, the list can go on and on. What if we can just add another HTML tag mc-content so that all HTML content you write in hello world section can be aware of the Environment. Just like Bootstrap themes the site, Angular defines the site with custom HTML tags. We can live with more tags, can't we?
The above custom tags are not free, you need to define them, plug them into your app, and might carry an additional cost in designing and testing. No free lunch here. However next time you need it, or you know you'll need it for 50+ times, it'll become handy. You can see the cost per app diminishes very quickly as the number increases and can be negligible eventually. This type of scalability can be very rewarding.
The way we approach The (web) problem is a bit different now. The question becomes who should be responsible for a certain section (or component) of the website. Since highly reusable component, once identified, can be built and maintained by a team different to each app team who uses the component. This doesn't prevent it from getting efficient at all, instead, it actually confines the domain knowledge and isolates it. With a clear definition of in and out parameters of this domain, the component will become highly reusable in design and therefore successful for business.
Angular-mc-common is common stylesheets and Angular components built for Deutsche Bank. The idea is to create common elements, such as header, footer, menus so that they can be plugged into apps without lines of change. It not only works with Angular applications but also adapts easily to JSP, GWT or any embedded web framework. It has been built into 35+ apps integrated with swappable authorization service in production.