I'm really looking forward to my 50th High School Reunion.?Not that I didn't enjoy my 30th but this one will different.?Several high school classmates have been busy organizing the program for the rest of us.?It is always like that in any volunteer group.?A few do the work for many and my hat is off to them.?They do all the work, often with little compensation and even less appreciation.?The rest of us enjoy the evening unless there are few unpleasant memories that get in the way.
I remember my high school days.?Fact is I barely finished with a passing grade.?My teen life was consumed with work.?You see I managed several junior bowling leagues on Saturday mornings, I mowed lawns for several of our neighbors and I delivered papers.? I couldn't care less about school.?Life is different now.?I've been married for 46 years, have a daughter, son-in-law and four grandchildren.?Now I'd like an update on the life of my peers.?Maybe I will be an inspiration for some - maybe others will inspire me to greater heights now that I am retired.
I'm excited about my high school reunion.?After all I'm really attending for everyone else and they are going for me.?It should be a fun and relaxing evening.
Did you avoid your last reunion??Sign up, everyone will be glad you did and so will you!
? Adam F. Kohler
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