Reunification of Hindus of Hindustan
The reunification of Hindu of Hindustan
Hindustan or "land of the Indus" was the Persian name for "India.” The resident of Hindustan is Hindu including converted Muslims as Hindu Muslim. But the word Hindu was not used in religious terms until the end of the 18th century when the European merchants and colonists referred collectively to the followers of native Indian religions as Hindus. The British have further divided Indians in to Hindu and Muslim for their divide and rule policy. Ultimately, the Hindustan was divided in to India and Pakistan on the name of faith. The freedom 1947 was actually shifting of power from British to the politicians of India and Pakistan.
The partition has created so much hate for Pakistan that we can not think for reunion of Hindustan and forgotten our old glory with slow poison of secularism, where everything pertaining to Hindu is as religious superstition. The partition has abolished the name of Hindustan from world map. With this the game of politics is going on, on the dead body of our mother land Hindustan. Now we are searching our identity in Hindu as religion or political identity after partition or Hindu as way of life of Indians with spiritual freedom.
The problem of Hindu
The un natural partition on the name of faith has pushed Hindu in grave trouble. He is thriving for his existence in his own mother land. The Christian and Muslim have got the right to spread their religion in the constitution. It has created communal tension and riots and population of Hindu decreasing day by day. The Hindu exploitation in Bangladesh and Pakistan with cross border terrorism in Kashmir has intensified the problem with killing of Hindus.
The problem of Hindu is multidimensional with threat for Hindu existence, with different interests of political parties to rule over India with divide and rule policy.
Mostly the Hindus are submissive and tolerant and feel satisfied with partition, even they have forgotten their past glory and mother land with slave mentality. They have to be awakened from slave mentality of more than one thousand years, with pride and honour for mother land Hindustan. Without this, he has no identity in the world.
Conversion slow poison
With un natural partition on the on the name of faith, the Muslim and Christian have the right to spread their religion in the constitution, with this their population is increasing day by day and Hindu is decreasing with slow poison of conversion. Because we are unable to absorb the converted with our ego and hate for converted, without solution to bring them in main stream of Indian culture.
Probable solution of the problem
Now we have large number of Muslim and Christian population among us, with their international connection. We have to search our own solution, with which, we have survived during long slavery of more than one thousand years and accommodated converted Muslims also, with cooperative coexistence and sympathy for each other. It is due to the fact that the Hindu is not religion like Muslim without code of conversion or reconversion. It was the cause of mutual understanding till the great revolution 1857 against British rule.
Now since 1947 with so called freedom, we are mature enough with 70 years of journey that the partition is curse for Hindustan, we have lost our mother land and Hindu identity from world map. To establish our identity again, we have to understand that if on the name of faith Hindustan can be divided, the same faith can reunite Hindustan.
The first and foremost thing is to deny unnatural partition on the name of faith to solve Kashmir problem with moral force for peace in the region. The Pakistan is facing its own problems with poverty, Baluch problem and terrorism, he will not be able to provoke sentiments on the name of faith only, on the contrary it may provoke sentiments for mother land above faith.
Basically the native of Indian subcontinent Hindustan are Hindu with common ancestry in DNA and roots in mother land.
Eternal Life