Returning to a proper focus
There are times when it becomes necessary to just stop and watch a sunrise. To recognize the start of a new day and the beauty and promise it holds. Our days are easily filled with noise and confusion creating days that leave us drained and often frustrated not just by the events of the day but by the simple noise that fills each moment.
It is truly days like those that a sunrise is just the ticket. To intentionally get up and set aside a moment to watch the sun crest the horizon bringing with it the beauty of color and the hope that a new beginning offers. A day yet unspoiled by noise and distraction. A day that still contains the beauty of fresh.
Poetry has used the symbolism of a sunrise for what I can only assume was from the beginning of time as it truly is the first promise of the day. The hope of a fresh start. The wonder brought on by the sun opening our senses with amazing color and warmth, a pure promise to our emotions. Yes, these are days to take a step back and enjoy a sunrise. To simply take the time to let it wash over us and simply enjoy. Will it change the day and the noise that is thrown at us from all angles, no, but it might change how we let it affect us.
We do not have to let the noise overcome us and infect our days, we can stand and filter out the noise and return to enjoying the beauty of the day. Noise will always exist, but we do not have to let it have full reign.
Blessings and enjoy a beautiful sunrise.