Returning to a place of work you once worked at

Returning to a place of work you once worked at

It’s an interesting point to consider whether you should ever return to a job once you have left it?

Take, for example, my case when I worked for the CCMCC (County Court Money Claims Centre) from 2012 to 2022. I worked here I have talked about here before for ten and a bit years, only to leave promptly when they announced the centre was closing and all of the staff would be moving to a Call Centre just up the road or nothing.

In my case, I knew when it was announced that I was not going after working at the Co-Operative in their Call Centre for Home Insurance from 2006 to 2007, so I knew my stress levels would be unable to take it, so I left ASAP.

The role I left the CCMCC for didn’t happen (Long Story) and over the next two and a half years have been a bit fragmented with a few roles on contract and temporary, none of which worked out really for one reason or the other.

After leaving the last role I worked at in Ashton Under Lyne, which was a Conveyancing Solicitor, I was at a bit of a crossroads. I had been at a firm which was completely unsuited to my skills and did not give me the training I needed in succeed in such a role, I honestly did not know what to do next and the day after leaving this solicitor by chance looking for a new role, I came across an advert by Brook Street the job agency advertising at a central Court for a Admin Officer.

I didn’t leave the CCMCC on bad terms at all, it had to be stated in the slightest, it just wasn’t what I wanted at the time – a transfer to a local court rather than a call centre, so leaving made sense. Two years later, armed with additional experience returning to the Courts is an interesting challenge, with more knowledge about the legal process which is both beneficial to me and the Courts.

It’s not something I have done before returning to a job after leaving, and after having a role fall through recently with another ex-employer through no fault of my own, I was a little nervous about taking this, but it is a challenge I am looking forward to.

This role is temporary now at least for the moment I must state but the last time I did this at the Court, it was temporary to start with, then went permanent.

It is hard to judge what will happen next, that’s for sure, but all I want is the chance to gain more experience, and after the first few days, it’s like a return home after being away for 2 years.

Perhaps the key to navigating the ever-changing job market is not just resilience it has made me wonder but also the courage to embrace new challenges, even if they lead us back to familiar places.












Andy N (Andrew E Nicholson)的更多文章

