Returning from the void
?? Barry W. Hughes
Creative, solution-oriented senior marketer with strategic mindset
A while ago I mentioned that I'd been sent the recently published photobook for Dennis Dinneen Archive's called Small Town Portraits. I mentioned that I hadn't written anything on photography for a long time and my online magazine SMBH, which was started in 2009 lingered in a void since 2017.
Well, over the past few months I was inspired by Dinneen's work to write again, redesign a new website and relaunch the whole damn thing. It was a lot of hard work, fit between my day job and my family. Not an easy feat, but worth it since it's gone live.
We can only do what we can, when we can. And I've learned over the years, sometimes not worrying about the time it takes to do something creative is a whole lot more enjoyable. It can drag on and stealing an hour or so on random evenings and weekends might feel like a kind of madness, but then isn't that just part of being a parent and working full time?
'For each of the photographed in Small Town Portraits there is a moment of total stillness and a flicker of stoic life. It is a talent bestowed on a great photographer to capture that uncanny detail. It’s as though each picture is a eulogy, and belying this is a Shakespearian soliloquy where life’s performance on the stage of mortality runs throughout.'