The Return of the Wolf
Ecrans des Mondes
Non-for-profit organisation headed by Michel NOLL, organizing festivals and screenings with creative documentaries
He had disappeared. A dangerous predator that frightened the chronicle for centuries, even feeding tales and legends. He lived in packs near the most remote mountain summits. But when he went down into the valleys of men and the enclosures of domestic beasts, the ravages were certain. He became the priority target of hunters, to the extent that, the 1960’s, he had disappeared in Europe.
To everybody's surprise, his disappearance initiated a radical change in the perception of the general public: the ferocious predator becomes a lovable wild animal to protected from the evil hunters. So much so that the ecologists imposed on national legislations, like that of Italy, the total prohibition to kill. So, little by little, the wolf came back, but this time, as a symbol of the wild nature to be protected at all costs. When the mountain shepherds cry to abuse, public opinion, especially in the big cities, becomes the protector of a predator, which, by killing other animals, merely follows its natural instinct. A strong controversy develops, and it is far from over. For some, the wolf remains the predator to be defeated, for others it is the symbol of a world freed from the cold rule of technology and represents the wilderness to be protected.
We have made a documentary about his return. The filmmakers have gathered important testimonies of central characters in the midst of the polemic: shepherds, mountain people, ecologists, forest rangers, scientists and many others. All intimately linked to the phenomenon of the return of the wolf. Through their eyes, we are at the forefront of one of the passionate debates of our times. Moreover, the film is offering many of the unforgettable images of photographer Stefano Polliotto who set himself the mission, and succeeded brilliantly, to film the wolf at any price, wherever he finds it.
The Film is actually running in a few art-hours cinemas, like the Cinéma Toiles in le Cannet. But we have already established a TV version (52’) and if you are interested, here you can find our more about it (and even buy a DVD...):
With my very best regards
Michel NOLL - -- +336 1416 2841