THE Return To Whole
Rebel Black
Helping rural entrepreneurs & organisations activate freedom and achieve lasting legacy through delivery partnership, consultancy & energetic activation! Founder THE RW Collection & Chair of THE Rural Woman Cooperative.
Dear Rural Woman.
There is a lot going on in the outside world to be scared of. And in a world that is unpredictable, change focused and every increasingly overwhelming, returning to your WHOLE self, I believe, is THE most important work we can ever do.
Regardless of the context of your life - and the age or stage at which you find yourself, there is no doubt we are at a powerful turning point....
I believe that #alltheanswersliewithin - as individuals that is true, for our communities it is also true and for our nations...the answers lie at the geographic centre - rural women live and love at the heart of our nations so it is vital that we embrace this turning point and return to our own wholeness, so that our nations can heal, from the inside out.
What the world needs is #thriving #healing #evolving rural women, making powerful decisions, living in alignment, contributing wholeheartedly and consciously and claiming responsibility. It needs rural women who are not looking to the outside world to validate or make themselves 'right', but who do the difficult but necessary internal work required to foster deep connection, powerful confidence and sharp and profound clarity.
We need to learn how to truly collaborate and act and think and feel consistently in all of life - in our relationships, finances, business or career, in our community contributions, consumption and decisions.
This is challenging work.
It requires the transformation of trauma, the clearing of limiting beliefs and behaviors, new energetic states and brand new programs.
But it is possible and it is necessary.
We are all affected by trauma - little trauma and big trauma, it all impacts and without the awareness and ability to move on from this trauma, it becomes a collective culture - the narrative we tell and retell and eventually become.
Like the Aussie Battler we love so much. If we keep believing we are battlers, we will always be we want to keep battling?
I know I don't. And I know I don't want to see others continue to 'battle'.
I want our people to experience ease and grace and love and enthusiasm and a passion for living without the need for war.
The atrocities we experience globally are a result of unhealed trauma and new collective narratives and the drama and challenges we experience in our own lives, no matter how big or small, is also a result of unhealed trauma and an embedded narrative.
Sometimes this belongs to us and sometimes it is handed down, genetically and culturally.
It's time we raised our awareness of this - so we can do something about it and reclaim our responsibility for the way we live our lives, so we can live whole and consciously.
This is an invitation to work with me, during the next 12 months, to unearth that which is limiting and blocking and holding you back personally so you may transmute it and reclaim your wholeness.
We've all been colonized, oppressed, separated and disconnected and it's time we reclaimed our sovereignty.
Are you ready?
More than 15 years ago, I made a commitment to myself, to 'throw everything at' my #healing journey - a return to whole I proclaimed, as I'd already wasted too many years disconnected from my true self.
Since then I've studied dozens of healing modalities and practices, I've personally been to more than 100 practitioners and healers and doctors. I've invested well north of double 6 figures on this journey and continue to invest every week in my own #thriving #healing #evolving journey and will continue to.
And I've done it all, from my remote home in Lightning Ridge, NSW.
I am uniquely 'qualified' to guide this journey because I am just like you - a rural woman who wants MORE...not more stuff, I've never been into Lamborghini or jet travel, but MORE from this experience of life. As much as I sometimes resist the heck out of growth and the 'edge' is never comfortable and some days I just wish to be 'normal' (whatever that is), the edge is where we get the best growth and it just keeps getting better and better.
I am not the same person I was a week ago, let alone a decade ago. And I'm proud of the journey and excited for what's next!
What this course is, is a 12 month (weekly) guided journey into the mastery of your own wholeness - as a human being in the context within which you live. Whether you are retired and looking for your next contribution, full force mid stream raising a family, juggling work and home life or are on the entrepreneur or business woman road, this course is about YOU - the whole, true, real, messy, vulnerable, mixed up, precious YOU.
True wellbeing is not about massages and spa days and it's definitely more than a little self-care every now and then when we remember it, or set our alarms a bit earlier to grab a few minutes of peace before the day begins.
It's a mastery. And it's unique to each of us.
I do not espouse to know YOUR road map - the adventure only YOU can choose to return to whole, but I can share with you - and will, generously and fiercely and lovingly, over the next 12 months, some of the strategies, rituals, practices, habits, knowledge, science, woo-woo, practical steps and actions I have used, have shared with other women I've worked with and have witnessed my mentors and role models use, to reclaim their humanity.
It's likely I will also share with you, some of the people who have helped me on my journey too.
I have spent almost 20 years educating, coaching, teaching, mentoring, leading and challenging the paradigms we operate in, in Rural Australia and at every step in my work I've been curiously looking for the 'key'..the 'one thing' that, if we worked on it, would unlock everything else.
I've discovered that there is no 1 key - but there are some key principles, that, if applied, for individuals, can enable them to 'bloom where they are' which has a powerful ripple effect - and I've seen it time and time again in the work I've done.
If I had the power - I'd insist on and invest heavily in, every single human being being supported to #heal. It is at the heart of #thriving and #evolving.
And while I agree with Nelson Mandela that education is the most powerful agent for change, I believe it is SELF and HEALING education - and the knowledge of how to 'heal thy self' that is CRUCIAL if we are to evolve as a race and, importantly, live good, happy and whole lives.
Ghandi said 'be the change you want to see in the world' and if we want peace, harmony, connection and love in our world - then we have to BECOME those things ourselves.
And the 'how' and 'why' of this - is not taught in schools. It's either something we are gifted if we are lucky enough to be surrounded by people who get it - or we have to seek it out ourselves.
I'm so glad you are here, seeking it out, because the ripple of YOUR reclamation of WHOLE - is a generational gift.
When you heal yourself, you heal forward and backwards - that is, you heal the ancestors who also, likely carried the patterns and traumas you experience and you heal the next generation too.
Using the tools and techniques I will share with you during the next 12 months, I've seen children transformed - not because THEY were invited to 'do the work' but because their parents did it....and the ripple was felt...and will be felt.
I've seen women reclaim health and well being and vitality where they were on the edge of leaving their lives behind. I've seen relationships mend, bank accounts improve, businesses thrive, careers change and health revitalise.
The truth is, wherever you go - there you are, and so to take, what I call the 'eat pray love' approach, is a flawed premise - because not matter where you 'run' to - the problems, difficulties, challenges, patterns will always be there, unless you do something about it.
This course, the next 12 months, is your way of doing something about it, without leaving - your home, your career, your business, your family, your place....
I cannot tell you HOW many times I have wanted to QUIT everything....lying in bed at night planning my escapes, wishing that I didn't wake up, wondering why I was here - from a small as quitting my business to as big as ending my life. I have danced with suicide, depression, running away, anger, fear, sickness and doubt and deep, deep unworthiness.
But there are as equally many times now, that I am so grateful and thankful to myself that I DID NOT LEAVE, that I didn't run from my town, my family, my life, because the experiences I am living now, is so rich and wonderful and has taught me so much and while not without challenges, it is a much better life than I could have possibly dreamed of - and it only gets better!
This next 12 months will unfold, in some ways, organically. I have created a framework of big ideas and themes of life for us to explore, from desires and dreams to shame and blame, control, trust, safety, scarcity and abundance and unconditionality.
Each week we will gather to explore these big ideas (we'll have 1 focus topic each month) and I will share the insights and lessons to learn from the theme and provide you with specific tools to use to raise your awareness or embody the change. Everyone is different, we are at different stages and phases of life, but it is my intention that if you show up, even if you aren't sure why - you will get what you came for...even if you didn't know what that was at the time - and it could be from me and the lesson or it could be something else entirely different. The main thing you need to do is...SHOW UP!
Every Thursday at 730am (NSW) we will meet on Zoom and connect.
This is a safe space. No judgement. No expectation. No conditions.
Just a powerful reclamation of YOU.
One of the most powerful lessons I've learned in life is to be curious and light-hearted - and to lead with a question...for which you have no attachment to the answer in how or when it will come, but a deep faith that it will.
You are reading this - and have read this far for a reason.
The next thing you can do is ask a question
What would it take for me to return to whole?
Access to THE 2020 Wellbeing Course is FREE For Bloom Members of THE Rural Woman and you can join using the link below.…
I'll see you Thursday.
May you bloom where you are,
Rebel xxx