The Return of Super Tuesday
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
Texas has long been a very desirable state to lend and invest in and the first Tuesday of the month always marks the foreclosure auctions in each county across the Lone Star State. And while foreclosures have been non-existent based on foreclosure moratoriums across the country, Texas is starting the Super Tuesday auctions off in a big way in Houston this next week!
The largest county in Texas is Harris County (home of Houston) and the county foreclosure auction has close to 600 properties headed to the courthouse steps! For over ten years, I've used foreclosure lists to help me identify banks foreclosing on borrowers as hot leads to identify note deals. I've also used the foreclosure lists to identify private lenders who are also foreclosing on their borrowers and who might have some funds to put to work in the near future (there are a ton of private investors on this list)!
So this Monday night on Note Night in America I'll be breaking down the Harris County foreclosure list step-by-step to show you how you too can use foreclosure lists in your desirable markets to identify note deals and private investors to fund your deals! And while foreclosures might not be starting in your state or county, you can apply what is taking place this week in Texas to help you find deals direct from banks whether you live in Houston or ~Contact.City~, California!
Make sure you RSVP for our Monday night webinar at 7 pm CST by clicking HERE! If you can't make it live, we'll still send you the recording! This is one call you won't want to miss!
You might also want to watch my short interview with Jack Zagunis from where we discuss the different services that offers investors besides just foreclosures lists across Texas!
Note Closers Show Podcast Interview with Jack Zagunis