Return to sport after reconstructive surgery
Zurück zum Sport nach rekonstruktiven Eingriffen. Prinzipien für die Nachbehandlung
Return to sport after reconstructive surgery. Principles for the follow-up treatment
Author: Matthias Keller ( OSINSTITUT )
"In the #aftercare and #rehabilitation of reconstructive surgery, there is no uniform procedure regarding a?return to sport. Nevertheless, it is becoming apparent that criteria-based and function-based models are becoming established in science and practice. This article provides an overview of which overriding and pathology-independent principles can be applied in rehabilitation and aftercare to guide patients back to sport as safely as possible. Rehabilitation must be considered as an interdisciplinary and complex process. If a?patient wants to regain the preinjury level, a?sport-specific requirement profile should be drawn up to plan the rehabilitation. Based on this, functional analyses can be selected for load testing, progress monitoring and dosage assistance. Interventions consisting of education, passive and active measures are adapted to the patient’s current status and help with reconditioning and return to sport. Whether the criteria-based and function-based aftercare regimens are superior to standard rehabilitation needs to be further evaluated. The principles described are difficult to put into practice due to limiting factors." (German language article)