Return of the Light
Kathy Mangan
The road to optimal well-being can be a crooked path. A second set of eyes can be just the ticket to identify the obstacles we put in our own path. I love working with people who are ready for their "next"!
During the dark that comes with winter in our part of the world, it is a natural time for deep inner reflection.? Part of the symbolism of the Winter Solstice is the fact that we are all both "light" and "dark".
We have aspects of self that are joyful, creative and exuberant as well as those aspects that are hidden, private and deep.? We are both and, truth be told, we need the capacity to be all of these things.
It is in those dark, hidden very private places that we might find the hidden gems that help us grow in our learning and development.? Sometime we have to excavate a bit to bring these nuggets to the surface.? It is there that we can gain dominion over what may have been holding us captive.
The ancients saw the darkness has having "destroyed" the sun and, of course, celebrated the rebirth of the sun that happened every spring.? It is the spirit of the chance for new beginnings.
This week, make a list of anything you would like to let go of.? Old hurts and resentments, unhelpful habits of thinking, anything that is getting the way of who you want to be.? Personally, I love to take each of these and individually burn them to symbolize the power of letting go of the past and owning what is true.