Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces - Ultimate Preaching & Learning

Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces - Ultimate Preaching & Learning

One of the significant and the most benefic, the slow-moving planet Jupiter will be stationary retrograde on 28th July at 14 degrees for nearly four and half months…

Jupiter will go back till 4 degrees of Pisces where it will be stationary direct on 23rd November.

Jupiter goes retro every year... It is a good time to introspect within and review our values, principles, belief systems, & to discard anything that no longer serves any purpose in our growth….as Jupiter is all about growth...

Everyone looks up to Jupiter for optimism, luck, joy, and abundance…

It plays an important role in forming our life and also making important decisions in life.

Jupiter rules our understanding, wisdom in general, and also travels higher education, philosophy, our religious quotient, and our beliefs based on the knowledge that we have.

When Jupiter goes retrograde then it impacts all these significations …The expansiveness of Jupiter will slow down or will be more inward for the time being

Here with retrogression, we may miss the optimism and the jovial nature of Jupiter …Our logical brain works more to judge & we may observe things with a practical approach, based on facts…

Retro Jupiter can provide a unique and extraordinary outlook on life that can be remarkable in nature…

The approach will be based on the knowledge which can be gained through real-life experience and not from books or study….

& That gives a suburb sense of confidence, as the perception is developed by actually working on it…knowing everything about it in and out…

In transit, retro Jupiter is the best time to think about how to implement the strategy or plans that we have made in the past with direct Jupiter…& tie up all loose ends…restore our faith in the goodness of life.

There are chances that we might end up feeling that we have hoped for more or the circumstances could leave us doubting our optimistic approach to the opportunities in front of us...

As Pisces is a dual sign – two fishes are going in opposite directions so there can be at times confusing approach resulting in no action...

With retro Jupiter, our expectation can see some harsh truth which we have not imagined…we may have to re-work on something…or maybe now…we may feel, it’s not what we have hoped for...

It will bring forth what we have missed earlier…& push us to be more realistic ...revisit things that we have missed earlier...

Also, Jupiter is getting retro in a water sign emphasizing more where we put our heart, reflect on our emotional needs, and correct any imbalance in our emotional world, it’s time to let go and get out of our comfort zone to expand our horizons…

Pisces represent the ocean water… it's limitless...In a way… this retro Jupiter is encouraging us to move to new territory & explore opportunities… revise anything related to problems with growth in a particular area… especially emotional life or travel-related matters.

Also, with Jupiter we can think of something fortunate only… the positive is sure to overshadow the negative, as even with any compromised placement or dignity, Jupiter’s aim is to make things better…give blessings, there can be luck and growth …

& Jupiter never thinks of anything small…his focus is always on major goals. Your point of view will be extraordinary….

While making any correction in retro motion…Jupiter will increase our awareness of where we need to have balance and not overdo anything…, especially in the matter related to the signs Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio. A4

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Jupiter will be in Pisces but his eyes will be on these signs with its 5th, 7th & 9th aspect…Jupiter’s desire will be fulfilling the significance of these signs more than the Pisces sign. &

Here all the moksha signs are triggered…Cancer is an exaltation sign … Scorpio — is a friendly sign and a sign of transformation…

But do keep in mind the theme of the water & moksha signs is to surrender. Let go… to reach the highest level of peace…which is represented by Cancer…& you need to transform ..let go… to reach the next level in your life… & that is Scorpio.

Ketu is 8th from this Jupiter… We can expect sudden & unexpected changes...cutting things short…

Also, retro Jupiter will make no conjunctions with any transiting planet & will aspect transit Mercury, Sun & Venus with its 5th aspect in Cancer and later with its 7th aspect in Virgo.

Jupiter’s 5th aspect will be on Cancer and with this aspect, Jupiter will try to express its caring and nurturing side on the Cancer sign and also any natal or transiting planets there.

With its 7th aspect on Virgo, Jupiter will have some opposing ideas to share and there can be differences in opinion or some conflicts which can lead to change in the circumstances.

& With its 9th aspect on Scorpio, Jupiter will be giving guidance, or preaching more, educating on the significance or need of transformation...

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Check these three signs – Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio in your individual chart for some final learning & correction…Cancer sign has an aspect of Saturn also … Everything related to the Cancer sign may have long-awaited development.

This entire retrogression Jupiter will be in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra and the lord Saturn has an aspect on this Jupiter…

We can expect concrete results out of this retrogression, on whatever was missed earlier as both Saturn and Jupiter are in retro motion & in their own signs.

Out of 12 months of transit of Jupiter — Jupiter will be in Saturn’s star Uttara Bhadrapada for nearly 10 months because of this retrogression…

Uttara Bhadrapada represents the back legs of the deathbed, indicating an absolute end of something major…before any new start.

There can be a final closer to those activities which you have been working on since 2019 since the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Saggitarius.

There can be hard letting go …bringing complete transformation …some acute emotional loss…. & Pain is attached ..Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac …You need to leave things behind to start fresh…

The more willingly you surrender, the better it will be… Trusting and having faith… that it is unavoidable & it’s a play of destiny for some higher cause - is the only way out.

But for career & work zone, it will be the time of major development as it is in Saturn’s nakshatra...

Jupiter will be in Scorpio navamsa till 25th Aug which can be the beginning of having pending results of Jupiter – expect a start of a change in your deep-rooted emotions…Also, Jupiter will make any transformation in an easy manner even, issues related to inheritance matters can be resolved in a peaceful manner...

Then on 25th Aug Jupiter will be in Libra navamsa which can impact marriage, relationships, and partnerships the most. Expect problems related to kidney, uterus, water retention in the body and also impact our glands, immune system.

In any health-related matter…your old problems can come to the surface… with Virgo navamsa from 23rd Sep, this can be the best time to make fitness goals, increase your knowledge, or learn about having good health.

Handle any matter with your intelligence & wise communication, be detail oriented & practical in approach…

Then from 19th Oct Jupiter will be in Leo navamsa. Jupiter will be in Leo navamsa till mid-December for nearly 2 months...

During this time even Saturn will be in Leo navamsa so the Leo sign wherever is placed in your chart, can have some prominent results during this time...

You may have a higher position, status, and you can express yourself confidently – there is a royal touch with the Leo sign so expect something big – even on the political front, your documentation or government-related matters can be resolved during this time.

Do keep in mind that retrograde time is not a good time to start anything new but to finish or improve the existing work….

Then Jupiter also represents liver, fat, diabetes, ears & Pisces indicates legs, our foot.

Jupiter empowers and expands anything it touches…both good and bad. So be watchful on the health front…retrogression can bring to the surface your old problems which you need to handle differently now…

Jupiter in its own sign Pisces will certainly make things easy…

Let us see how this transit will impact each sign: The most impacted signs are the Jupiter and Saturn ruled signs…the last 4 signs of the zodiac…Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces…. these areas of the zodiac in your chart are getting activated with this retrogression…

Apart from Cancer, Virgo & Scorpio where Jupiter has an aspect, these four signs & their significations can be the areas you will be dealing with the most for the next nearly 4 months…let us see what we can expect:

For Aries: There can be major corrections in your work zone, & your focus will be on your profits, gains, and your social network along with your expenses and religious activities.

Jupiter will ensure transformation, self-healing, and peace through introspection. Gradually, you may feel protected from any adversity. There can be travel to distant place.

Taurus: expect some sudden change in your career, your boss may change, there can be a pleasant environment, and you may have good health.

Jupiter will ensure you long-awaited rewards; desire fulfillment & credits for your work done. Retro Jupiter here promotes financial gains and expands friendships, & group activities. Your life may get better as you help others…with all-around success.

Gemini: You may try to improve all your relations, health, your faith in general, your career zone, and the way you deal with any change in your life.

Jupiter may change your public image, career, reputation and can give you fame for your excellent performance so far…Can better your finances and health too.

Cancer: can reflect on how you handle crises, any difficult situation, and your relations, maintain control on yourself, health, and fitness along with virtues of discipline.

Jupiter may give new ways to enhance your knowledge, travel, new learnings, and general prosperity that can add to your sense of self-confidence… Your opinions can be considered now with due respect.

Leo: Needs to recheck on your health, the way you deal with children, partners, in-laws, any tax issues, and the way you handle others' money.

Your luck may get better after any challenging experience & give unexpected money, along with much-awaited change, with respect to your home, family, and finances.

Virgo: can work on the home front, with family members, on your peace of mind, vehicle, kids, health, and your approach towards the rest of the world, in general.

Jupiter may encourage you to be calm, improve your relations, partnerships …& also expand your circle, gain, travel, & communication.

Libra: You may try to improve your communication, relocate - or change your vehicle, something on the home front, have new ways to be happy, and also work on your lifestyle, making it healthy and bring some discipline….

Now with retro Jupiter, you may have some very desirable opportunities in your work zone, of course with more responsibilities…. & Good finances.

For Scorpio: This can be a good time to improve your finances, family, eating habits, relation with siblings, and children, be flexible, have clear communication, renovate or decorate your home, and reflect on what you do, to entertain yourself.

You can work on some fantastic projects that will boost your confidence, give you happiness, and a good time to develop new skills & creativity.

Sagittarius: can think of better ideas to make a strong personality, improve your finances, family bonding, relation with mother, siblings & the way you deal with all these.

Jupiter will ensure you comfort, peace of mind, a bigger home & also you may have increased responsibility in your work zone.

Capricorn: Expect complete change in your identity, image, your values, family, & the way you communicate or travel…

Jupiter can enhance your prospects for foreign travel and can give you more connections, but you may have to put great effort into the task at hand. Jupiter may provide wise counsel and you talk with optimism…

Aquarius: you may work on to have more profits and gains, reflect on how you may spend your resources, use your alone time, & explore new ways to improve your health.

There can be some development on your travel plans, in your work front. Jupiter will give an optimistic outlook on life & a good understanding among family members.

Pisces: Jupiter will enhance your name, fame, travel… improves your health, and your self-confidence… May give you glorious personality and charisma if you use this time well.

Your long-pending desire may get fulfilled related to work, in your career…or something within your network…

That’s all for all 12 signs…

The takeaway will be:

Retro Jupiter in Pisces will encourage us to re-work on our imaginations, creativity, the role intuition plays in our day-to-day life, and to check if all of these are under control … & in balance…

With retro Jupiter, you may contemplate your religious quotient, spirituality, and donations as Pisces Jupiter believes, more in giving away…charity, and letting go

These reflections on self can give fresh development and improvement in that area...This is the last chance before Jupiter has its new cycle through the zodiac in make most of this.

It will remind us of the hard reality of life…?It’s not a time to have expectations or hopes to rely on luck or to expect good things to fall into your lap, but it’s time to find your own way and create your own good fortune.

Do make plans, set goals & execute them once Jupiter goes direct…


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