Retrofit Policy failures & potential changes
Everyone in building energy and retrofit should read this analysis of the Irish Better Energy Homes scheme 2009-2015. The scheme set up by the Green Party in government were very successful hitting 90k grants in 2011 (excluding BER certs). The incoming Minister for Environment Phil Hogan, slashed the grants and access to funding collapsed. As oil prices fell so did consumer interest in energy conservation.
Building Energy Homes Scheme Analysis (excluding BER Certs) O'Riain, 2013
Certainly the drop in grant levels impacted take up but the uptake but access to credit is likely to be a larger factor. The public demand for energy conservation measures correlate directly with crude oil prices since 1974.
Its a shame the report did not address the relative success of measures. It is unsurprising that the ESRI criticise the more expensive measures, as many fail to acknowledge the role of retrofit in addressing deferred maintenance, net present value and building lifespan, not mention the less quantifiable health benefits. There is a potential argument that the use of single measures in isolation may not deliver the most optimal energy savings for the investment made. Certainly the improved €6k external insulation grant will help extend building lifespan, net present value whilst delivering significantly greater savings than cavity insulation. It would be great to educate home owners to these specific benefits which might increase retrofit investment levels.
On a positive note the Government are finally taking heed of the findings from the IGBC 10 steps to better Retrofit policy. The latest SEAI grants are a good step in the right direction but we need to be thinking above zero vat rating triple glazed windows and grant aiding them. We really need to get home owners to focus on a combination of external insulation, new windows, attic insulation, supported by a heat pump. An EIB supported zero interest Energy retrofit loan is badly needed! The new Part L Regulations 2017 for commercial buildings is certainly welcome too!