Retrofit and Flutter like a PRO
Handling data and integrating with APIs is not a stranger to us, the mobile developers.
There are a few ways to do that with Flutter. This article will show you what I think is most effective in handling REST APIs. After this great article, you will never use something else!
We are going to learn about the excellent Retrofit package. It's a type conversion for the Dio package that takes the pain of transformation (transforming the JSON to dart object) by generating the code using source_gen. Let's begin.
The first thing that I searched for when I started to develop Flutter 4 years ago was how to handle REST APIs the right way.?
As an Android developer, I loved how the Retrofit from Square used interfaces and annotation to describe the HTTP requests. Luckily someone took this idea and implemented it into the Flutter world.
The Flutter version also uses an interface (abstract class) to describe the REST operations and also makes the type of conversation automatically for us.
The Android version used OkHttp as the default caller. In Flutter's case, it's Dio, and this is great news because Dio is super easy to use and comes with tons of great features. Also, it has a few addons that can be used with Retrofit to add some more superpowers to our REST. for example:
dio_cookie_manager?- A cookie manager for Dio
dio_http2_adapter?- A Dio HttpClientAdapter which support Http/2.0
dio_smart_retry?- Flexible retry library for Dio
dio_cache_interceptor?- Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not)
dio_http_cache?- A simple cache library for Dio like Rxcache in Android
pretty_dio_logger?- Pretty Dio logger is a Dio interceptor that logs network calls in an easy-to-read format.
In the pubspec.yaml add under dependencies:
retrofit: check_latest_ver (^3.0.1+1 at the moment)
and on dev_dependencies, these three:
retrofit_generator: check_latest_ve
build_runner: check_latest_ver
json_serializable: check_latest_verr
Now Run flutter pub get command, and prey for your Flutter god. Sometimes you'll get some hell with dependencies. A temporary solution will be to set the version to any.
Next thing, let's create the main abstract class, Dio setup, and we will use get_it to make the class a lazy-singleton that can be accessed from our repositories later.
Creating the abstract class
Dio setup
As mentioned earlier, Retrofit depends entirely on Dio, so let's create it.
BaseOptions:?This is the standard config for the Dio instance. it includes many configurations that this article will not cover. It has stuff like connect timeout, receive timeout, send timeout, query parameters, headers, etc.
Connectin Dio and Retrofit class with get_it
My choice for dependency injection was always get_it because it's easy to use and doesn't require context. The final part is to connect Dio with Retrofit. It will take a single line of code. I have an article about get_it, so I highly recommend checking it out if you want to dig deeper into how it works. Add the dependency in your locator setup like so:
These two lines of code will create a lazy singleton (which will be made only when first called), and on the RetrofitClient instance, I pass the Dio client with my remote config.?
Notice?- the remote config can be changed to a variable or a remote service like Firebase remote config to config the env base URL.
Finally, Retrofit is ready to use! Let's see how to use it.
How to use
First, we should understand what HTTP methods are supported and how to add them. Retrofit supports these:
@GET()?- Use GET requests to only retrieve resource representation/information, not modify it. As GET requests do not change the resource's state, these are said to be safe methods.
@PATCH() -?If you see PUT requests, modify a resource entity. So to make it more precise – the PATCH method is the correct choice for partially updating an existing resource, and you should only use PUT if you're replacing a resource in its entirety.
@PUT() -?Use PUT APIs primarily to update an existing resource (if the resource does not exist, then API may decide to create a new resource or not).
@DELETE() -?As the name applies, DELETE APIs delete the resources (identified by the Request-URI).
Let's use an example from the real world. I'll use the JSONPlaceholder website to generate the JSON for our example. Let's start with a simple GET request.
I'll use this endpoint.
First, we need to define the base URL for Retrofit. it's this part
Put encoder & decoder in Class and Generate class definitions with @freezed compatibility. After that, it should look like this:
Now, copy the freezed result, create a new model file, let's say post_model.dart, and paste the code from the right side and run: (NOTICE that quicktype didn't make the fields optional or required, and freezed will not like that so add ? for optional to each area or required)
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
This will generate for you .g file with the conversation and .freezed file with much other good stuff like copyWith, toString, hash (if you want to learn more about Freezed check this article)
The second part before adding the get call will be to create the response class that retrofit will need to convert the data received from the API.
Now let's add the GET call for Retrofit
Run build_runner again so that Retrofit will generate the heavy lifting for you. Now you are ready to use this API. awesome. (It's recommended to call Retrofit abstract class from your repository in the model layer and then pass it to a Usecase if you are using clean architecture or directly to your State-management and not call it from the widget with FutureBuilder.)
Cool, we covered the most simple call. Let's make it a bit interesting. Let's imagine that now you need to get posts for a specific category, say sports. so you need to pass a Query from type String. Not a problem:
What if you need to pass a few categories Ids with the same category key ('categoryId')? Just replace String with a List of Strings. Like so.
And now the backend developer decided that you need to specify the category id in the path of the call so it will be: post/{id}.
Great, and what about sending a new post with some data? Let's say the POST has a title and content. Easy, create a new freezed file for your request
abstract class PostModelRequest with _$PostModelRequest {
const factory PostModelRequest({
String? title,
String? content,
}) = _PostModelRequest;
factory PostModelRequest.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
and add a Post method that sends PostModelRequest in the body.
In the same way, you can add @PUT, @PATCH, and @DELETE methods to your retrofit client.
Retrofit also supports uploading with encoded form data like so:
Let's say you upload something heavy and you want to cancel it
And if you need custom headers for a specific call, it also can be done by this great tool. (usually, these headers are global and will be defined in our Dio client when we create the Retrofit client)
custom headers can also be passed in a dynamic way like this
Now they ask you also to get the progress up and upload, but it should be optional. Yeah, sure, just:
How to add a token to every call
Your company is a severe place, and they want to secure their calls with an access token. Of course, the last thing you want is to add these tokens manually to each call. No way! Good that we have interceptors. They are a great tool that listens to every call that you make. They have three callbacks: onRequest, onError, and onResponse. In our small example, the backend wants our token from firebase. So let's create a new file called token_interceptor.dart and add it to the Dio client later.
We listen to each request, and if we have an IdToken, we add it as a header.
Also, we have a straightforward implementation if we get an error. In the real world, you might handle situations where your token expires, and you need to refresh it with your refresh token. If you need to do something with your request, you can always override onResponse.
How to cache responses
Dio has tons of addons that can be added to give it more abilities. One of them helps to cache your responses without implementing a database like Hive or objectbox. Go to and search for dio_http_cache.
installation is easy:
first step:
dio.interceptors.add(DioCacheManager(CacheConfig(baseUrl: RemoteConfig.baseUrl)).interceptor);
In the second step, you can set the maximum age that the request will be saved:
options: buildCacheOptions(Duration(days: 7)),
How to log traffic
Without logging the traffic, I would hang myself a long time ago. Tons of time takes to understand and debug problems with our APIs, so a good logger is always needed. go to again and search for: pretty_dio_logger. now add this to your interceptor list, and you have eyes on the traffic like a boss. (yes, you can use the network tool, but the damn thing sometimes doesn't work. And this is reliable like an AK-47).
requestHeader: true,
requestBody: true,
responseBody: true,
responseHeader: false,
error: true,
compact: true,
maxWidth: 90));
The list of addons is extensive, and this article is getting long. I encourage you to check the other addons Dio has (listed at the top).
The next article will be on how to handle errors like a pro. I hope you enjoyed this. If you need Flutter services you are welcome to contact me. I have a company named BlueBirdCoders that specialized in Flutter development for more than four years and you are welcome to join our awesome community here:
UX/UI SAAS Product Designer & Consultant ?? | Helping SAAS / AI companies and Startups Build Intuitive, Scalable Products.
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Flutter Team Lead
1 年thank you!
Software Engineer
2 年Great article, thanks for sharing such stuff. I have a question, lets say we want to get a single post, for example we use the getPostById endpoint, how to handle error response?
Mobile | AI | LLMs
2 年Gil Bar Tsion