Retirement Reality Check: How Much Do You REALLY Need to Retire?
John "Jay" Snead
?? Wealth Builder | Investment Coach | A.I. Coach | Military Veteran
Make strategic adjustments for maximum retirement success.
Are you haunted by the fear of an underfunded retirement? According to the Boston Center for Retirement Research, a staggering 50% of Americans won't be able to maintain their lifestyle after they stop working ??! That equates to downsizing, sacrifices, and a whole lot of stress. But it doesn't have to be this way.
It's time to catch up and secure the future you've worked so hard for.? Let’s be real for a second. Traditional retirement vehicles like Thrift Savings Plans (TSP) and your jobs 401(k)s are often a slow crawl to a mediocre retirement. But there's a better way ... mastering an AI-centric Investing strategy: Your Ticket to the Retirement You Deserve. It's time to break free and accelerate your retirement savings, no matter what your age.
First, I highly recommend after reading this article to conduct a Google search for “retirement calculators.” Next, select a calculator you like and punch in the retirement scenario you desire for your golden years. NOTE: any calculator you select is pretty straightforward—and will serve the purpose.
This is a must because everyone must start with a sense of how much money will be needed in retirement; then work backwards to figure out how much you should be contributing in order to reach that goal. Even if the numbers are large, it’s better to have a clear plan today, than a best-guess approach when it’s harder to make adjustments.? Trust me, this number will be eye opening for 90% of readers. For most it will be the first time they see their retirement goal in real numbers.
I used the exact methods in this article to get these results. I was behind on my retirement goals--and had sense of urgency to take action. Last year, I harnessed the power of AI-driven stock strategies to generate an average of $19,000 per month in the market.?
I’m not here to brag, but to share what I've learned so you can take control of your financial future. I am now in the top 1% of Day Traders in the country. I straight up teach people how to accelerate their wealth. I spent years learning the good, the bad and the ugly--so you can learn this in months, not years. It works--if you work it.
RULE #2:? A comfortable salary today doesn't guarantee a secure retirement
It’s critically important to realize most Americans will need more than one retirement asset, and not just a single 401K from your job. Understanding the need to have multiple streams of income working for you now, will save you down the road. The stock market and AI-centric investing can help build the future you deserve – no matter your age. I put together a simple and easy to follow blueprint by age bracket to pinpoint your retirement strategy.
Here's the AI-Powered Retirement Roadmap by age group:
RULE #3:? Take Control of Your Financial Future!
Saving for retirement is a massive project that should last for your entire working career. The blueprint I provided above is by design. It is an outline to get you thinking about your retirement goals in advance. The sooner you start, the BIGGER your retirement nest egg will be! This article is just the beginning – let's get this conversation rolling and help each other avoid a retirement crisis. The best investment—is always in yourself!
If you would like in-depth AI investing detail, watch my ?? YouTube ?? video HERE: or subscribe to my ???SPOTIFY PODCAST ???HERE:
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