Retirement Postponed...
Seniors (63%) are delaying retirement.?There are several reasons why seniors are delaying retiring in today's society. ?Few common factors:?1) Financial considerations: Many seniors are choosing to work longer to secure their financial stability. Factors such as inadequate retirement savings, increased life expectancy, and rising healthcare costs have led seniors to extend their working years to ensure a comfortable retirement.?2) Longer, healthier lives: Advances in healthcare and lifestyle choices have resulted in seniors enjoying longer and healthier lives. As a result, they feel more capable and motivated to continue working and contributing their skills and expertise.?3) Sense of purpose and fulfillment: Work often provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and this need doesn't diminish with age. Seniors may find great satisfaction in their careers and wish to maintain their engagement and productivity in the workforce.?4) Social connections: Workplaces offer opportunities for social interactions and connections. Seniors may value the relationships they have built over the years and find joy in the camaraderie and sense of belonging that work provides.
To find meaning and purpose in continuing to work, seniors can consider the following strategies:
1) Pursue a passion: Seniors can explore opportunities to align their work with their passions and interests. This can involve seeking out roles or projects that allow them to utilize their skills while engaging in activities they truly enjoy.
2) Mentorship and volunteering: Sharing their knowledge and expertise with younger generations through mentorship or volunteering can provide seniors with a sense of purpose. This can be done within their existing workplace or by getting involved in community organizations.
3) Flexibility and work-life balance: Seniors can negotiate flexible work arrangements, such as reduced hours or remote work options, to create a better balance between work and personal life. This flexibility can contribute to their overall well-being and make work more enjoyable.
4) Lifelong learning: Continuing to learn and grow professionally can be invigorating for seniors. They can explore training programs, workshops, or online courses to acquire new skills and stay relevant in their fields.
5) Pursue entrepreneurial ventures: Some seniors may consider starting their own business or pursuing freelance work in areas they are passionate about. This allows them to have more control over their work and tailor it to their preferences.
Ultimately, finding meaning and purpose in work as a senior involves aligning personal values and interests with professional pursuits. It's essential to reflect on individual goals, aspirations, and priorities to make informed decisions about continuing to work beyond retirement age. Once an old optometrist told said, "What I do is my identity..., and not working anymore means I am no longer useful..."
What are some high-paying jobs for?retirees?
But what if you're a retiree or senior looking to make some extra money either to help pay for family expenses or for some other reason? Good news: there are plenty of high-paying jobs for retirees and seniors. You just have to know where to look and how to leverage your skills. These are Real estate brokers, Management consultants, Financial managers, Mediators...
?~S. Vincent Shin,?
Be Vigilant.?Be Safe.?
“Stay Curious”?and?“Think for Yourself.”???Always?decide on your own terms.??This is my research and analysis.?Perhaps you should take a closer look at them, and do additional investigation and scrutiny if they interest you.?(SVS)
References?(Not limited to):
1 年Budaraju M. aloha.
1 年Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar ???? aloha.
1 年"Americans believe they will need $1.27 million to retire comfortably, according to the latest set?of findings from?Northwestern Mutual’s 2023 Planning & Progress Study. That number?continues to increase, up from $1.25 million reported last year. High-net-worth individuals –?those with more than $1 million in investable assets – believe they’ll need $3 million to retire?comfortably..."
1 年Bona Sitinjak aloha.
1 年 "America’s Retirees Are Going Broke" "The number of people who will outlive their savings and retirement nest egg is extremely high. This is particularly true for people with modest savings who retire in their 60s. A number of these people will live another 20 years. (This is what it costs to retire comfortably in every state.)According to the Census Bureau, the number of people between 85 and 94 years old grew from 5.1 million in 2010 to 5.7 million in 2020. The second number is 40% higher than the population of the city of Los Angeles. There were 631,000 Americans over 94 years old alive in 2020. These numbers will grow as baby boomers age and medical care for the oldest Americans improves...." 24/7 Wall St. 7-7-2023