Retirement planning doesn’t have to be a guessing game.

Retirement planning doesn’t have to be a guessing game.

Our free super calculators help take the guesswork out of planning for retirement by turning that daunting, abstract balance into clear, actionable insights. Try them for free now at

Supermodeller to the rescue! It helps you get a clear picture of your current super and understand steps you can take to ensure you stay on track for retirement.

Click here to try it yourself.

Want to understand how your expenses fit in with your retirement plan? Our lifestyle modeller calulcator is designed to help you look at your current spending and cost of living, and compare that to your retirement budget. This gives you an idea of how much income you will need to achieve your retirement lifestyle preferences.

Click here to try it yourself.

Want to understand what kind of investor you are??Our Risk Profile Questionnaire helps measure your level of comfort in relation to investment or financial risk when making investment decisions, and helps you understand why certain investments may suit you better than others.? ?

Click here to try it yourself.

Unsure what to do with your results?

Our smartCoach team are here to answer your questions, and provide advice on your smartMonday superannuation account at no extra cost.

Any advice by smartMonday Solutions Limited is general advice under AFSL 482684 without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before investing, you should read the relevant PDS and TMD issued by Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited, and the FSG available at and consider if this product is right for you. Calculators rely on assumptions that if varied could change the result. It does not take into account the potential impact of taxes, fees and costs on your savings. Actual outcomes will be different if the assumptions don’t replicate your personal circumstances. Any intra-fund advice is provided by or on behalf of? Future Group Financial Services Pty Ltd. Nov 2024.?



