Simon Lever
Featured Contributor at Bizcatalyst 360° - Author, creative writer and storyteller. Voluntary activities: Steward: Award winning 'Kings and Scribes Exhibition; Birth of a Nation'. Community Center - Trustee.
Retirement? 'Old age', or perfectly fit, articulate, energetic, a life-time of experience, able to pass on knowledge to others. 'Old' can be 50 to some and 80 to others. Age is irrelevant to some, a contract of limitation to others. A positive phrase being you are as old as you feel.
Retiring from a long term career after many years with the same organisation or service? Or having experienced the various cultures, products, solutions, markets, to be awarded a pension worthy of the loyalty and positive enhancement of people's lives.
Some business professionals will have been focused on preparation for leaving the dynamism of the corporate world, and enjoy the potential freedom that a well managed pension plus investment for The Day of Retirement.
Retiring early; late fifties or the standard age of 65.....where does that lead to?
Everyone is unique. Some may wish to, need to or are having to retire before they are ready. Some are fit and energetic and 75 or older; even some 90 year old folk are articulate, communicative and sharp as razors!
It must indeed be stressed that everyone is different. However, the overall elements will possess a high degree of commonality; fitness, mental stimulation and engaging with people.
Organisations are typically not always enthusiastic about maintaining or hiring older members of staff or workers, or indeed hiring 'post- retirement' age people. ?Once again, everyone is different, unique.
One issue that can apply caution on the part of a company's hiring policy regarding pre-retirement individuals; people close to the 'norm' of 65 (although rarely stated) is age. However, age is irrelevant as long as their is the energy, enthusiasm, positivity and that almost visible shing light of inspiration in their eyes; the quiet confidence, not arrogance or conceit; not having to sell the skills and experience, but for the hiring manager to buy those collective benefits. Essentially not selling the idea of hiring to the prospective employer, but a mutually agreeable discussion where the company 'buys' the individual and accompanying persona and experience.
An individual of for example 68 or older with all the faculties and enthusiasm of a younger person, can be of tremendous benefit to a team. Experience, many years' exposure to a myriad situations.
An older person working with younger professionals has a two way benefit. The younger set For example can actually provide infectious enthusiasm that will be potentially ?make the older person feel younger! While the more senior individual can provide a gentle level of experience and knowledge. We never stop learning and that applies to 30 year old business professionals as well as 66 year old folk.
Working together in harmony can be a fantastic experience. ?Mindful energy and intelligence that has been translated into a the equivalent of a journey up the highest mountain. Nothing is impossible if the drive, cooperation with others and determination to deliver what is expected. Positivity is essential. Can-do mentality. 'Houston we have a solution'!
Others who do not possess the idea of an active future, start to fade away into the potential chasm of retirement: doing nothing to maintain their minds; the drive, their enlightenment, creativity, physical well-being that they possessed and perhas took for granted.
It is not unsimilar to the last day at Grammar School! This is rather frightening. What do I do now? Retired......yes, but the mind and spirit don't morph overnight to ?disappear. Into the void of uselessness. It is a state of mind.
They can give to others their views on issues . They can advise, they can become involved in charity work, or even deliver a level of consulting expertise on a freelance basis. Or being hired by a company requiring the expertise tah spans 30 o years' or more.
But only if that really does light a fire in an individual's mind. Individuals who do wish to contribute to the community, but are a little cautious about how people perceive them, should take note. You are who you are. Never 'put on a face' to please another individual (that individual may be expecting a certain persona, manner, attitude) just be your self. Acting to please another individual means you are not comfortable in your own skin. Just be yourself. You will be more relaxed and indeed comfortable in the company of others.
Five key aspects are crucial for health and well being:
1. Keeping the mind active, not just through reading or crosswords (although there is nothing wrong with such choices) but the need to engage with people. To communicate, to listen, to answer questions, to empathize.
Such human to human engagement stimulates the mind and heart, keeping a level of alertness that injects a touch of dynamism and free thinking.
2. Keeping fit. This is crucial. It's very easy to sit in an armchair and be witness to the world around gradually fading into the distance, enshrouding the being in a mist of remoteness, seemingly disappearing into ultimately a dark void of emptiness.
Keeping fit can involve a walk, meeting folk on the way; even if about the weather. Depending upon the level of physical fitness, fast walk is good for the heart and circulation. Climbing hills is more challenging but rewarding when looking at the surround views.
Travel; making up for lost opportunities, and not having to worry about Monday morning or the traffic or cancelled trains on a Friday.
3. Drinking plenty of water. This can be a challenge for some who have never liked water. However, it is available and 'on tap'. It replaces body fluids the and the physical aspects, helping cleanse the whole system. This does not mean a gin and tonic is banned! Or a glass of real ale, or a gorgeous wine! (Amazing Moulin a Vent Beaujolais).
Does retirement mean putting one's feet up and actually retiring from life and backing off from engaging with friends, family and perhaps former employees who have been on the same 'wave length'? It should certainly not limit the intellectual stimulation which is essential for the health of the mind.
4. Healthy eating and lots and lots of fresh fruit. No need to deny oneself the ?joy of a chocolate cake or a nice strong coffee and biscuits. It is a matter of voluntary balance. Again, some folk have to be particularly careful regarding their diet. Have a regular check-up by the local doctor. Typically blood test to check the basics.
5. Keep positive. Many instinctively negative people tend to follow a downward route to moaning about anything and everything. Changing such a view on life is not automatic, sometimes challenging. It needs a purpose; a reason to get up in the morning. Just a very basic a minute mission. Something you can look at afterwards and sense an accomplishment. It could be mowing the lawn, and enjoying the elegant stripes, a visit to a nature reserve (National Trust or English Heritage, or other country equivalent) and perhaps offer your voluntary services as a guide to visitors or voluntary gardening for such locations. A simple element is to smile at someone and enjoying the smile being reciprocated. That in itself is an achievement, an accomplishment.
Positivity is crucially important, and more and more recognized as a therapeutic element, improving mind, body and soul. It also has a potentially positive impact on others.
In summary; carpe diem. You only live once. Get out there and make a difference; be the difference.
Should finances allow, should you enjoy travelling, don't think about it, book it! If not, reach out to the local region. Make a difference. Give your skills a new perspective and audience.
Assimilate, enjoy engaging with different nationalities. Stimulate the senses. Witness the difference in attitudes.
Actors and actresses never retire, for there will always be characters needed who are exceedingly elderly but as alert as a they have always been.
Retirement can, depending upon energy, physical or mindful, either release the inner self to ?focus on charitable activities, volunteering or being active in the local church community. Thus having received a salary for thirty years, it could be seen as being rewarded with the opportunity
Should you sense that your particular skill could be utilised by a charity, local community or church, go for it! Don't even think about it. Say you would like to help and prove your worth!? You will instinctively know what you can contribute.
Never take later life for granted. You can float around the memories and enjoy talking with friends and family, former colleagues about them. Don't dwell on what you could have or should have done in life. Forget the 'what if' because your life's experiences, good, bad or indifferent have made you what you are today.
The past you cannot change, but the past formed what you are today. Who you are.? You have arrived. And you may feel that certain episodes; sometimes negative issues have eventually, ultimately been orchestrated by something we do not understand.
You are in the present and you have the future.
Simon Lever
Living by the Platinum Rule | Success & Empowerment Mentor | Belonging Champion | BizCatalyst 360 Contributor | Alchemist
5 年Simon Lever?Wonderful article! I always felt that I didn't want to retire and it's one of the reasons I made a career pivot late in life.? I'm hoping to continue doing what I'm doing well into my 70s--maybe even 80s! :)? As long as we feel healthy both mentally & physically, why not?! :)