Retirement Investing Bucket Strategy
I've found this strategy helps people manage their emotions when investing for retirement.
Simply put, determine your essential income, then compartmentalize your investments into 3 "buckets" based on?when you will spend the money:
Remember: Higher volatility (i.e. "risk") = higher?potential?return... over time! You must remain invested for sufficient time to bridge the dip when markets go through a correction/recession/crash to realize higher returns. Long-term, the risk/reward principle is a law of finance. Research "risk premium".
The reason this works is because it helps people stay invested in their "growth bucket" because they've got a year of income in cash and another 4 years in "safe" investments.
Is this?mathematically ideal? No. With the caveat of sequence of returns risk, we should all be 100% growth invested all the time. But humans have emotions that get worked up and succumb to fear/greed cycles. This strategy helps people manage those emotions.
Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research Inc., a Broker Dealer, member FINRA | SIPC. This is general advice and not the right strategy for everyone. Consult with a professional before making any investment decisions.