Retirement is hard work!!
Today my wife and I took 6 gnomes to the North Norfolk coast at Bacton. We got into our mini car (What else) and the seafront was beautiful. Waves gently lapping onto the sand. Sun shining bright with a gentle breeze. The kingfisher Fish and Chip shop giving ample portions, covered in salt and vinegar, beats working anytime.
Charlie and Carly have announded that Carly is pregnant and a new gnome is due soon. (Depends on when I next visit a garden centre) I expect the gnome will be bright and full of life.
Victor the violinist is preparing a new musical score to celebrate the event, he is going to call it "I small step."
Thats it for now, several gnomes are off to Fakenham races tomorrow and other are going to Accrington Stanley V Ipswich football match on Sunday. Look out on sky for gnomes in the crowd.
So you see retirement is very hard work!!