Rethinking Quiet Quitting: On A Corporate Perspective
Henry Chamberlain, Transformational Coach
Transforming coaching in Asia...and beyond
I’ve recently commented on the phenomenon of Quiet Quitting (QQ) from an individual perspective. But there is, of course, a corporate perspective on this.??
Why exactly are your employees so psyched up by QQ and what should you do about it if you’re a leader or business owner?
Let me recap the essence of my perspective on QQ. QQ becomes?famous after a few Tiktok videos about it went viral. Employees engage in QQ say that they do so to “set boundaries”, push back about unreasonable work requests, and to claim back their lives and wellbeing. But there is a lot more to it than meets the eye and if you care about your people and your business, you should be concerned.?
QQ is a form of passive aggressive behaviour. It signifies anger at their jobs, their bosses and your organisation. People engage in passive aggressive behaviour when they feel anger or resentment but they perceive themselves to be powerless against their object of their anger. But wait, there’s more. It is an indicator of extreme disengagement, a key indicator of sustainable organisational success. In essence, people are saying that organisations are bullies and that they had enough…but they don’t feel courageous enough to say it to your face.?
Instead of simply being unhappy, QQers are engaging in behaviour that could be harmful to their organisation, clients and even themselves. Imagine the impact of people abruptly shutting down, stopping important work or ignoring your valued clients. Like leaving the kitchen with the oven on and the bread in the oven…nothing good can come from this.?
That sounds serious…what can I do?
From an organisational perspective this should be a worrying wake-up call – your “biggest assets” are actively disengaged and they feel helpless and oppressed at work. This is once again not a new phenomenon. Global reporting on employee engagement shows that despite eye watering investments, few organisations have shifted the dial on employee engagement over the past 20 years. I believe that the Great Resignation and QQ are both mere symptoms of disengaged employees. But QQ is not merely being slightly annoyed with your work and your boss. It means that you actually don’t care if your behaviour harms your organisation. Or more likely you are passively trying to inflict harm on the “aggressor” as a way of taking revenge.
The practical reality is that organisations need employees that are engaged if they hope to achieve sustainable performance. And engagement is directly related to the quality of leadership in organisations. Furthermore, leaders and executives have a disproportionate impact on the overall culture of their organisations. In the 30 years of my work life, I’ve yet to see an organisation with employee behaviour problems that did not have its roots at senior leadership level.?
But if we want to resolve this issue, finger pointing and blaming will get us nowhere. If we assume that “perception is reality”, both parties have the right to be unhappy. But it also means that both parties can contribute to the solution. Organisations, however, have the power to do more and “with great power comes great responsibility. So, in the next section I will explore solutions for leaders and organisations.??You can read more about my suggested individual solutions in my?previous blog here .
Three simple steps to future proof your organisation
If you are reading this blog as leader or business owner, the message is clear. People do their best work when they are engaged, and to be engaged they need to meaningful work in a constructive environment. Leaders and the culture they create are the main drivers of engagement. This is where you should start if you are facing QQ, resignations and disengaged or unmotivated employees. Let’s look at three simple steps you can take to future proof your organisation.
These three actions are not the full solution or meant to be an exhaustive list of options. They will get you going and point you in the right direction to create sustainable employee engagement solutions. So that the next time QQs in your organisation drive you crazy, you can decide whether to address the causes or the symptoms of the problem.?
There is one caveat though. If your organisation pursues a strategy of greed and profit at all cost you will get the work force that you deserve. Instead of wasting money on faking engagement, I recommend that you employ great recruiters and pay top dollar to keep the revolving door of talent flowing through your organisation.?
At the intersection of Sustainability, Communications and Finance
2 年Part 2 did not disappoint, Henry. Great post! Wholeheartedly agree with “take money off the table as an issue, and then focus on providing meaningful work.” Sometimes it really is that simple.
Transforming coaching in Asia...and beyond
2 年I’m privileged to work with organisations who invest in robust leadership development programmes, who employ thoughtful strategies and scientific assessment tools to?select and develop true high potentials and future leaders. Leaders who will each develop another leader, who will develop another leader. ?They are few and far between, but I want to start by celebrating those visionary organisations, leaders and HR teams. Historian and Author, Rutger Bregman said that “every milestone of civilisation, such as democracy, the end of slavery, equal rights or the welfare state, all were completely ridiculous utopian fantasies once. That’s how progress always begins”. It is time to envision a better future, who’s with me?
Guiding business to create more diverse teams and inclusive workplaces, through networks, thought leadership, practical experience and storytelling.
2 年Henry Chamberlain, Transformational Coach - this makes perfect sense and got me thinking about human value and your point 3, Daniel Pink, reference. When CEOs in the US are paid 351x as much as their typical employee I am sure there is a clear basis for disengagement, especially in tough economic times. As is pointed out in the article ( CEO's are not super human, just flesh and blood, yet their compensation and perceived value bears no correlation to the wellbeing of their this inequality lies at the heart of the passive aggressive behaviours behind QQ. A serious reflection upon what one is worth and how that is rewarded.
Coaching and Mindfulness to help you Live well and Lead well.
2 年Thanks for flagging this important issue- a symptom of the disconnect between our modern workplace cultures and the very people who populate those organisations. we need to start treating each other, not like delivery systems or transactions, but like humans… which requires many of the skills you mention, but beyond that, leaders who see it as an intrinsic part of their job to care for their fellow human beings. More human workplaces and leaders please!!!
Chief Culture Officer at Sino Associates
2 年Gold mine of true talk and hard reality. Love it. Sharing with the world.