Rethinking project management for 2020
The new year brings a good opportunity to reassess the usual ways of doing project management. Factors such as team size, culture and employee contribution all impact project management and need to be greatly considered as they are the most important parts of the project development flow. In this article, I will go over some of the biggest pain points in the software industry regarding project management.
What’s wrong with Agile?
It’s not an understatement that some companies use the “Agile” way of project management, with limited knowledge, or without even considering alternatives. As per Wikipedia, ‘’Agile software development’, is described as “various approaches to software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customer/end-user.” This seems perfect for an enterprise team that is working on a disruptive technology and needs a project management system that works with them. However the needs of companies vary greatly and the agile approach often does not apply.