Rethinking Leadership Training for Lasting Impact

Rethinking Leadership Training for Lasting Impact

An interesting statistic has come to light in recent studies: approximately 50% of new information is forgotten within an hour of learning it. This loss increases to 70% after 24 hours, and a staggering 85% after just six days. Such figures prompt a critical question: Is traditional leadership training a good investment?


The Forgetting Curve and Its Implications for Learning

While providers of workshops and training sessions may benefit from the status quo, clients often do not. Regardless of how engaging or well-presented a workshop might be, its effectiveness is negligible if it doesn't incorporate practical assignments that reinforce and apply the learned principles.


But there's more to the story. According to the latest research from the MIT Sloan Management Review, the primary reason leadership programs fail isn't just forgetfulness—it's the lack of measurable impact. Many programs are more entertaining than they are valuable, failing to significantly affect participants' performance, their teams, or their careers.


The Dark Triad of Future-Risking Solutions

In our Strategic Leadership Webinar, we delve into what we call the "Dark Triad" of solutions that many clients are unaware of. These are pervasive issues that undermine the efficacy of leadership training and can jeopardize the future of a business. This is why we emphasize the importance of informed decision-making and asking the right questions.


What to Look for in Leadership Programs

The quality of a leadership program is determined by the quality of questions it prompts:

  • Relevance:?Are the program's contents up-to-date or merely well-packaged?
  • Customization:?Is the program data-driven and tailored specifically to your needs, or does it provide generic solutions?
  • Continuity:?Does the program include pre-work and a comprehensive follow-up to reinforce learning?
  • Transparency:?Can the program measure and visualize progress in a?way that's clear and understandable?


These questions can make a profound difference, and surprisingly, few providers can confidently answer "yes" to all.


Raising Standards and Expectations

If your current training providers aren't elevating their standards, it becomes crucial for you to raise your expectations. After all, the future of your business may depend on the effectiveness of the leadership training you choose.



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