Rethinking CEO title... and LEOs.
Sylvan Ravinet
CISO | I Help Security & IT Leaders Transform Cybersecurity into Business Value & Career Growth
The other day, I just came across the title of this post "Rethinking the CEO title". Before reading any further, it made me wonder, what would I suggest? For the past 15 years, I worked with and for businesses of all sizes : 1 to 180 000 staff. Depending on the situations, I consider myself being an entre-preneur or intra-preneur. Mostly around IT, security, risk management and HR challenges. Always business centered.
So what else C.E.O. could mean?
CEO = Central Energy Organiser. This would be my definition. The warm morning sunshine that help you recharge your batteries thanks to your solar panels. A white force that entices you into giving your best. One that makes sure your accomplishments are recognized. And rewarded every time it is possible.
But also a heavy rain that helps shut down local or major fires. One with a sense of feeling the wind flow to take the right cape in order to go to the desired port. One that also gives room for opportunities to take and so demonstrate skills and results.
How about managers?
Managers = Local Energy Officers. They do the same as CEO but in their area of responsibility. Or their area of influence. They are trusted to have a positive influence over things (people, the organisation / processes and ultimately results). They work in coalitions with other LéO to ensure energy is built in parallel rather than in series, but never in silos.
Overall, positions of power are accountable for a responsible distribution of energy, incoming, flowing in, producing and sharing. Stakeholders are their guides / mirrors / indicators as to how they perform. Euros / dollars allocation and information distribution are just a mere representation of energy.
Please let me know if you live it this way. Do you like this post?