Solve your challenging engineering problems by partnering with Re:Test
Nowadays, a lot of CAD packages (e.g. Solidworks) include Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software. These simulation packages are optimized for ease of use, so that engineering analysis can be accessible to deigners with little or no CAE experience. These tools work well for a lot of analysis scenarios, where accuracy is less important. However, in cases where the product:
- Has to be highly optimized to meet challenging strength, weight or cost reduction goals
- Is subject to a complex operating environment
- Has a complex structure or interactions
These packages cannot be trusted, and more sophisticated tools become necessary.
While there are a lot of companies that can provide CAE services, Re:Test is the only company that has in-depth knowledge and experience with every step in the analysis and product development chain. Over the last 40 years, our consultat Nigel Linden has had practical experience in the following areas:
- Static and Dynamic Implicit and Explicit Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Multi-body Dynamics (MBD) including FTire and flexible bodies
- Fatigue Analysis
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Co-simulation
- Multi-physics modeling
- Laboratory-based testing and simulation
- A thorough technical and practical understanding of fatigue, durability, multi-body dynamics and vibration
- Characterization of materials and components to calibrate inputs, interactions and constraints
- Understanding the effects of boundary conditions from years of practical experience in modeling and physical testing
- Manually coding and buiding analytical models beginning in the early 1980s when computers filled a room
- Deep understanding of the limits of instrumentation and digital signal processing
- Correlation of model results through verification tests
Re:Test is able to provide a broad range of advanced analysis services for your more challenging engineering problems. Our unique understanding of the interaction between fatigue and dynamics coupled with our extensive suite of CAE products with multi-core processing, means that we can perform fatigue analysis on non-linear static and dynamic implicit and explicit simulations, and on multi-body dynamics with flexible bodies. We can also use cosimulation to model highly complex non-linear multi-physics interactions. Not only that, but if there is information that is required to improve model accuracy, we have the laboratory experience to specify the tests and data collection that are required for the calibration of input loads, materials, interactions and constraints. Once modeling is complete, we are uniquely able to design a testing and validation program to give you the confidence that the solutions we derive will enhance your product’s performance in the real world. Our solutions are practical, cost effective, and have the accuracy necessary to give you the answers you need.
Re:Test uses SIMULIA Abaqus/CAE Extended with iSight, TOSCA and Fe-Safe. These packages allow us to perform non-linear implicit and explicit FEA analysis using the most advanced solver in the industry. TOSCA is an award-winning design optimizer, and Fe-Safe is uniquely able to perform durability analysis on rubber.
This is complemented by durability analysis from the full nCode Design Life (Prenscia Access) package for data processing and analysis, fatigue analysis of spot and seam welds (including Whole Life), vibration, Thermo-Mechanical-Fatigue (TMF) and composites. We are also able to couple in the Accelerated Testing package to develop lab-based durability tests.
For Multi Body Dynamics analysis we have the full suite of MSC Adams, including flexible body analysis and FTire for simulating automotive tire dynamics
We use Altair's hyperworks for pre and post processing
For non-linear modeling of hyper-elastic materials we also have MCalibrate and PolyUMod from PolymerFEM .
The video above was produced by Hawkridge Systems, the largest distributor of Simulia products in the USA. They decided to feature the work we do with their software because of the interesting applications we get involved in.
Click here for more information.
The following is a brief summary of our capabilities. Contact us to discuss your specific analysis requirement (all software is at current revision levels):
Abaqus General, Linear, and Nonlinear Analyses
? Static & dynamic stress/displacement
? Viscoelastic/visco-plastic response
? Steady-state transport
? Heat transfer (transient and steady-state)
? Mass diffusion (transient and steady-state)
? Acoustics
? Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
? Multi-physics
- Thermo-electrical- structural
- Pore-fluid flow- mechanical-thermal
- Magneto-static
- Transient low frequency electromagnetic
Abaqus Linear Perturbation Analyses
? Static stress/displacement
- Linear static
- Eigenvalue buckling
? Dynamic stress/displacement
- Natural frequency extraction
- Complex eigenvalue extraction
- Rigid and flexible Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD)
- Steady-state dynamics (direct and mode-based)
- Transient modal dynamics
- Response spectrum - Random response
? Time-harmonic low frequency electromagnetic
Abaqus Explicit
? Nonlinear dynamic/shock stress/displacement
? Acoustics
? Adiabatic stress
? Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
? Coupled field
- Thermo-mechanical
- Shock and acoustic-structural
? Tosca Structure is the market leading technology for structural optimization of:
? Tosca Fluid features unique design and non-parametric fluid flow topology optimization
? Compatible with all industry-standard solvers
Fe-Safe Durability/Fatigue
? Strain-based multi-axial fatigue algorithms
-axial strain
-shear strain
-Brown-Miller with a multi-axial Neuber's rule and cyclic plasticity model
? S-N curve analysis including multi-axial fatigue
-axial stress
-Brown-Miller analysis formulated for use with S-N curves
? DangVan multi-axial fatigue for high cycle design
? Plots of material data including the effect of temperature, strain rate etc.
? Advanced analysis methods for fatigue of cast irons
? Analysis of welded joints
? High temperature fatigue
? Analysis from elastic and elastic-plastic FEA stresses, linear and non-linear analysis
? Automatic detection of surfaces
? Automatic detection of fatigue hot-spots
? Comprehensive element/node group management
? Stress gradient corrections
? Critical distance algorithms
? Critical plane methods for random vibration fatigue
? Analysis of rotating parts
? The first commercially available software tool for the fatigue analysis of rubber and elastomers
? Simpack Pre
? Simpack Post
? Simpack Realtime
? Simpack Automotive
nCode GlyphWorks
? Signal Analysis
? Data Cleaning
? GPS Display
? Media Display
? GlyphBuilder
? Fatigue
? Fatigue Sensitive Editing (FSE)
? Accelerated Testing
? Optimized Testing
nCode VibeSys
? nCode VibeSys Base
? Modal Analysis
nCode DesignLife
? nCode DesignLife Base
? FE Display
? CAE Strain (E-N)
? CAE Stress (S-N)
? CAE Dang Van Solver
? CAE SpotWeld Solver
? CAE SeamWeld solver using Structural Stress
? CAE SeamWeld Whole Life solver using Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM)
? CAE Vibration Fatigue
? CAE Multi-Load Vibration
? CAE Virtual Load Generation
? CAE TMF Solver
? CAE Composite Solver
? CAE Short Fibre Composite Solver
? CAE Adhesive Bond
? CAE Safety Factor
? CAE Processing Thread
? CAE Distributed Processing
? Weibull++
? ALTA PRO Edition
? BlockSim (Markov & Process Flow)
? Xfmea
? RCM++
? DOE++
? MPC Plus Edition
? Lambda Predict (All Modules)
? Dynamic tire modeling
MSC Adams
Full suite for automotive and machinery Multi Body Dynamics with Flexible Body Analysis
? Adams View
? Adams ViewFlex
? Adams Mechatronics
? Adams Insight
? Adams Post Processor
? Adams Solver
? Adams Solver SMP
? Adams Linear
? Adams Controls
? Adams Flex
? Adams MaxFlex
? Adams Durability
? Adams Vibration
? Adams 3D Road
? Adams Tire Handling
? Adams Car Plug-in
? Adams Car Suspension
? Adams Vehicle Solver
? Adams Chassis
? Adams Driveline
? Adams Foundation Classes
? Adams Visual Edit
? Adams Co-Simulation Interface
? Adams Geometry Translators
? Adams Machinery Belt
? Adams Machinery Cable
? Adams Machinery Chain
? Adams Machinery Gear
? Adams Machinery Cam
? Adams Machinery Motor
? Adams Exchange
? Adams Drill
Bruno Brasselotti