Retaining Knowledge
I conduct several trainings a week besides teaching college students at two different universities.
It is always interesting to me who really retains the information they are taught and who barely remembers it after they leave the room.?
This reminds me of when I was growing up and had to learn a lot of facts and figures but once the exam was over, all that flew out of my head.
If companies are spending a significant amount on training their employees, what can be done to ensure that they are effective??
In my opinion, it starts with the executive team.
If managers, supervisors, and employees see the senior leaders engaged in the trainings and that they are applying what they are learning then they serve as role models for others.?
The most successful trainings I have are when these executives not only participate but then follow up days, weeks, and months later with their subordinates to reinforce various concepts.
The opposite is when these leaders do not feel the need to come to the trainings, make excuses that they either know the material, and/or they have more pressing demands.?
That may be true, but I find it odd that some of the most profitable companies have their executives in the training room with the others.?
Many biographies/autobiographies of successful corporate executives state that the most effective leadership skills are self-awareness and being a continuous learner.?
If that is so, then what is going on here?
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