Retail Winners And Losers? Costco Is On The Winning Side

Retail Winners And Losers? Costco Is On The Winning Side

Costco’s recent earnings report showed solid growth. Online sales were up 36.8% in the last quarter. Their net sales were up 12% year over year and memberships rose 14%. Although Costco might be considered a direct competitor to Amazon (and Costco is even headquartered in the same region), it is doing fine.


In my new book The Shopping Revolution: How Successful Retailers Win Customers in an Era of Endless Disruption (published June 12 by Wharton Digital Press), I have developed the Kahn Retailing Success Matrix. It's a 2x2 matrix, and the columns represent the customer perspective. What do customers want when they go shopping? Simply, they want to buy something they value (product benefits) from someone they trust (customer experience). The rows of the matrix represent the differential advantage offered: customers will choose the retailers who offer a superior competitive advantage to what is offered by the competition. This can either be delivered by providing more pleasure and benefits or by removing more pain and inconvenience.

The four resulting quadrants of the matrix can then be described as follows: Product benefits that increase pleasure are delivered through branded product superiority. Product benefits that eliminate pain points are delivered through low prices. On the customer experience side, pleasurable customer experience is conveyed through delightful physical store experience, or in other words though physical stores that customers want to visit because they are fun, entertaining, worth the drive. Removing the pain points in customer experience requires frictionless shopping experience, making shopping easy.

Copyright 2018 by Barbara E. Kahn. Published by Permission of Wharton Digital Press.

In order for retailers to survive in this very competitive industry, I have found that they must deliver fair value, or reach customers’ expectations on all four dimensions. Retailers, like Toys ‘R Us or Circuit City or Radio Shack, that failed to deliver to customers’ reasonable expectations in any of the four quadrants just cannot survive. But in order to win, retailers have to be the best at one of the quadrants and then leverage that customer experience to be a leader at a second quadrant.

Costco has always been a well-respected retailer, but in the world of “new retail” they were starting to fall behind in shopping convenience, in delivering a frictionless online shopping experience. By increasing the usability of online shopping as shown by the almost 40% increase in online sales they just reported, they are clearly coming up to fair value on that dimension.

In terms of leadership strategies, both Costco and Amazon are leaders in low price. But they differ on their second leadership value. Amazon is the best for frictionless shopping. One-click shopping online, Alexa in the home, and “just walk out” shopping in their new Amazon Go stores -- in the U.S. there is nothing comparable, and 100 million Amazon prime members prove that.

But Costco’s membership numbers are also increasing from the 88 million reported in March 2017. The increase in membership revenues is due both to growth in membership numbers as well increases in yearly fees. While Amazon might be the leader in online experience, Costco’s treasure-hunt, in-store sampling, place-to-buy gas physical store environment is also a real draw.

Some retail analysts had predicted that consumers would not want to be a member of two retailers who offer similar products. But that does not seem to be the case. According to a survey of 1500 shoppers done by UBS in March 2018 the overlap of Costco shoppers and Amazon Prime members is growing. In December 2015, 50% of Costco shoppers were also Amazon Prime members. In March 2018, 62% were. Costco membership renewal rates are high, about 90%, and improving slightly.

At least for the time being, consumers are seeing the value in shopping with Amazon when they need the convenience Amazon offers. But when they want a fun shopping experience (e.g., “Who knows what treasure I will find at Costco today?”), when they want to buy in bulk, or when they need gas, the local Costco is still worth the time.


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