Retail - Preparing for the Worst!
Times are changing fast, almost too fast for us to keep up with. With an increasingly mobile workforce, that’s expected to reach 72% by 2020. The reliability of online convenience is ever present for any business owner.
This all adds to the increased demand and usage of online shopping websites, apps, secure payments, faster payments like, Apple, Samsung or Google Pay, delivery of products on both sides.
The requirement of such systems is clear. But what’s the cost of that to a retailer when something goes wrong behind the scenes? And who feels the brunt of it?
Breaking down the number of staffs involved in fixing an issue can double, triple, quadruple the larger the organisation becomes.
Some common issues we have helped retailers with have been;
- Interruptions with payment process
- Till outages
- Digital marketing glitches
- Fluctuations in fridge temperatures
- Server traffic/health
- Supply Chain
- Shift Control
- Weather/traffic/Police Alerts
With an effective Crisis Management platform, you’ll be able to stay several steps ahead.
Everbridge provide the ability to create a safer working environment, protecting revenue streams by combining two-way multi modal communications with intelligent incident reporting, unrivaled global support and compliance.
This enables you to protect your staff, your shareholders, your clients and your brands reputation within a single view.
Interested in finding out how we can back this up, just call me, message me or email me directly.