Retail Notes
Now I said one time that I was going to write about Stellantis and the troubles they're having but I will save that for next weeks newsletter since there has been something that I wanted to talk about tonight which had caught my attention while I was going to the gym. I found out that the 7-11 store that used to be on 37 ST SW had closed down for some reason and I think I know the reason too. It is because they were getting very little business in that store with only a few customers in there when I sometimes go to buy something.
But the real reason I would say is that they had so many 7-11 stores where I live customers were going to these stores instead. They have 2 on 37 ST where I live and they I think are getting most of the customers in that area. The first store is a big one where they used to have a post office in there until it caught fire years ago and then got rid of it and made it into a big store. The other one used to be a different store until it got sold off to some company by the fuel station company that didn't want to deal with retail stores and then got converted into a 7-11 store.
So I figured that they decided to close that one down and just keep the building empty for a while. It is anyone's guess as to what store/retailer will take its place in that building but I am sure that they will do well since it is in a very good location with a lot of traffic and being across from most shops and some restaurants like Subway, McDonalds and Wendy's where there are a lot of customers but these places could have caused the store to shut its doors due to identical products they sell regarding fast food and a pub next to it.