Retail Marketing
Back once more and I was going to write about something else while I am here on gas stations but I am going to do the best I can in writing about retail marketing since I do work in retail and I still have a lot of thinking on how I am going to write this article on fuel stations. So I will just write about retail marketing from my observation and opinion. I think that retail marketing is an important part of the retail business that most customers are unaware of because their main focus is on buying the items that most stores sell on a daily basis.
Retail marketing I might add has changed over the years because it used to be when I was growing up that most retail stores focused on newspapers to advertise their business as to what they are selling. They also relied on TV ads too in which they displayed commercials as to what they were selling and which items were on for sale. Now the marketing has changed somewhat as the years passed by because now a days most retail marketing is focused on not just TV and radio ads but also the internet has taken its place in market.
TV and radio marketing retail are not the dominant platforms as they were back in the 1980s and 90s. Now the internet and new media platforms like social media, podcasts, websites and blogs have now taken over retail marketing with some customers using their phones, I Pads and other devices where most content gets consumed. This trend is especially big among the millennials and Gen-Z due to the time they spend online with these devices that I have listed. What a difference some devices make when it comes to retail marketing.
And this trend I think will likely continue during this century because these new generations of customers will likely be the ones that will do most of the buying online and setting the trends as to what they want from most retailers that they shop with. Since they are producing most items online for their online businesses they may run, they are also setting the trends as to how they will shop for items. Retail businesses will have to find a way on how they will be able to cater to this generation because their consuming habits differ from mine and the older generations.
And I will end this article with those thoughts.