Retail Leisure Construction, Harrogate
Client: Northern Police Treatment Centres
Sector: Residential Care
Type: Fully Designed Project
Procurement Method: Tendered
Location: Harlow Moor Road, Harrogate
Project Value: £1.23m
Project Description
Pacy and Wheatley completed a Retail and Leisure Construction and Refurbishment in Harrogate which comprised of the internal remodelling of live treatment centre with new build physio department.
The project was spread over ten phased completions beginning with demolition throughout the Christmas period whilst the centre was closed, to minimise noise for patients and residents.
Following demolition, staged commencement and completion dates of the various phases for refurbishment included nurses consulting rooms, meeting rooms, snooker rooms, internet cafe, changing rooms, gymnasium, hydrotherapy area and swimming pool. A new build state of the art physio department housing 18 beds and decorative exposed gluelam truss structure.
The Challenge
Carry out works without hindrance to operation of the facility
Carry out extensive demolition and install specialist steel supports over the short Christmas period.
Programming the works to ensure dates are met to ensure centre can operate to maximum capacity throughout the works.
Internal and external works being carried out concurrently.
Deal with design alterations throughout the project including extra works instructed of £230k.
The Solution
The “solutions meetings” were held with the facility management team each morning to discuss areas of work and noise levels
Protection to all adjacent surfaces and cordoned off areas whilst working to maintain cleanliness.
Meetings with sub contractors held to discuss areas of works and duration on a daily basis.
Two competent site managers were required to keep external and internal progress to the required programme.
Arranging timely meetings with design team prior to commencement of each phase and addressing access and egress.
Reviewing phase completion dates and updating of programme for discussions with clients.
Key Achievements
Incorporating a significant amount of extra works within the programme period.
Efficient management of extra works and late changes together with costings for informed decisions by the client.
Zero reportable accidents due to good H&S management.
High standard of finish attained with close liaison between Project Manager, Site Managers and supply chain.