???The resurgence?? - Paths that have (almost) crossed
Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_1

???The resurgence?? - Paths that have (almost) crossed

???"We may have to cry at the beginning to smile at the end."

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_1

??The resurgence (https://shorturl.at/o45d7) - Was Paris really her last major international tournament?????♀?

???"We may have to cry at the beginning to smile at the end"

????We often fail to show when and how much we admire certain people, their paths and their attitudes??. It may even seem superfluous in view of so many power, successes and achievements????♀?. But, deep down, everyone deserves and appreciates recognition for their efforts????and results?. I see??and acknowledge yours??.

????About 1.5 month ago, she was crowned again??. Only she has an award that bears her name??, and she won it herself in life?. Well done and deserved???? (https://shorturl.at/4oNWI).

??What a journey it has been... and in some brief moments ours has crossed??, or not??. Not to mention the likely ones on the pitches in Rio...?????♀? We all had to go to so many unbelievable places to be able to play??... until it got a bit????more organised for a while, well done #Vasco ????! Long and hard road???. I'm glad things have improved??to some extent.

??Common dreams????and goals??. Each one with the own particular skills????and missions??(and?challenges????♀?), bonuses??and burdens??... Always moving forward…???? To the other side of the ocean??? Why not????♀????

???And no, these are not stories that happened while working. There, professionalism and commitment are????, and the focus??is on delivering?, and with excellence?, for whomever we represent?????But if we don't get the contract??we've worked for and earned in fair play???, or if it's taken away from us without it??, we write our own story???????. And carpe diem in the spare time!????

????♀?When will they trust those with whom athletes and sports people genuinely?feel comfortable????

??I'm going to tell some stories??about these crossed paths??from a different/ my perspective...??I hope you can enjoy, feel and see...??

??PG #Rio2007 : When women's football??????♀???was celebrated????. The Maracan? was packed???, attendance records were broken??and it was one of the best line-ups we've ever seen??. On the pitch, she won her second gold medal????in this competition and gave us a taste??of what was to come??at the #FWWC a few months later. The final was so prestigious that it exceeded all the venue's operational forecasts??????♀?. The venue team was exhausted??(it was our first major sport event and it paved the way??for all the others to come)?and complained that they were not being paid well enough for the workload??. I was co-leading??a functional area at the venue (hired as an intern!??) and tried to put things into perspective??:

??"Hey guys, what are you complaining about, look at your contract... I'm here as an intern..."

??"What?!???You're an intern!?!? No way, really?!!"????♀???

??Yeah... what a thing...????♀? "Auf Augenh?he"??, ever since.

The team stopped claiming...??back to work??????

??An urgent call to the VIP area ruined??the fun of watching the final??(@ Claudinha, you owe me this one????). The extra presidential entourage ate all the catering???during the break????, and I had to manage the crisis and reallocate resources??from the other venues of the Maracan? Sports Complex???...- "One eye on the fish??, the other on the cat??" = aware of everything??. While I was solving the problems??, I couldn't hide the teary eyes in the VIP lounge??.

??"What's going on??"??(my loyal??volunteers were worried).

????"It's fine, it just means a lot to us what is happening right now??".

To be champions??in Women’s Football over the USA - not the A team, ok - with a full house supporting????us and at the Maracan????! Wow!???? We lived it?. Everyone in their own way...???Goosebumps!?? The work was very intense??????: water polo????♂?starting at 8am, volleyball??finishing after 1am, 1??or2?? football matches????in the middle of the day, and ice operations??at night with the help of the logistics team??????... is that enough??????

????It was one of the few, if not the only venue/complex???, that did not have (an exorbitant surprise) extra costs??for ice at the end??of the Games. Thanks to the3??ice machines??originally planned and installed??for the medical areas??and our insane strategic effort??to stockpile the ice produced??in them after the competitions and during the night??for the use of the whole complex and clients in the next day... It worked???.

Optimising strategic operational processes??, leading teams??, saving costs??and showing hands-on????, the house speciality??, has been going on ??, ever since. Yeah, you can't imagine what we have done/ delivered? And we have done it all with flair??:?https://tinyurl.com/5bhpxxsc

??This gold medal was for all of us??, das team and its staff on the pitch??, the women in football????♀???????, and the Maracan? Complex team???! We did it.?????Thanks for that!!????

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_2

??#OG #Beijing2008: Olympic final??and a great match????, one on the pitch again??, the other watching???from the Olympic Committee (COB) auditorium authorised by the superior???? (https://tinyurl.com/nh2txx2m). We deserved to win this one, don't you think????♀?? But… a painful outcome??, tears on both sides??, and a question that remains (https://tinyurl.com/bddfw6tm 1:40 min):?“..., what did I do wrong????♀???” Everyone could hear, or rather, lip-read???.?From where I was, I also asked mine. And I got my answer????. I can bet she got hers... The show must go on…??

??#FWWC #Germany2011 - with almost2??0?? years in football, 4??+ years of experience in sports management, postgraduate studies??and intensive scientific production??going??, I still put my skin in the game??and support????, unconditionally??, even without anyone to see or join??.?Why? Because I live??and love football????, ever since????. Bc I care??. Bc it makes a difference to be there??, to look people in the eye??and tell them that they matter??, that you value them???? and you are with them??. Bc it's not about being in the spotlight??(Sometimes it just happens to be registered????♀???, ok... And your friends send it to you in a joke WTF?!?!????https://tinyurl.com/2jvpx8kp).????It's about the real purpose of the beautiful and well-played game????, on and off the pitch. Of the clean and fair play??. Of footbALL.??And there's no point in trying to do the same, they know when it's authentic??and there's no conflict of interest??.?I even tried to arrange a special reception??????for the delegation with the hotel??and TS???. Which was not authorised????. I only accepted with the argument that all teams must be treated equally??(al? #FIFA Competiton & Team Services!!??it worked well!!????) and they wouldn't do anything similar to the others??(and what team would have someone so attentive??and loyal??back then???). Fair enough??. The show must go on…??

??An established name since an outstanding????performance in 2007, It was the first time that I could remember talking to her. Arrival at the hotel??, and departure to the first official training session??. Motivational samba??sung???, acknowledgements???? and presentations made?, first #Panini WWC album duly signed???(and almost taken by the players????- thanks for saving it, Captain!!??????), the whole delegation boarded????. "Bicho do mato????" (something like a "wild animal“ or?"country bumpkin" - as she said about herself earlier??), she came last, without saying much, kindly accepting a request for a photo??. I have to admit I imagined her taller and stronger??. But does size really matter????♀?? The S&C coach told me "Yes, but it's all only muscle mass????, Maithe... (???Yes, we talk about that among colleagues - I'm a sports manager & scientist too)" She was on her way to the bus??, and as I walked along by side, I "clinched" her neck??and said: "You are playing my dream??, the dream of many of us??. I can't, not everyone can be on the pitch, but you??. Make it count!????" She didn't even look at me??, just kept walking, focused on...???Can you imagine the disappointment?!???




??It lasted a few (tense??) seconds??. Before boarding, she turned around??and nodded her head????, with teary-eyed??as usual.?Phew...???? No further words needed. Those who know the struggles????♀?of the "skin in the game??" recognise each other??. Refreshing??. My dream was in good hands????, or rather the right - or rather the left ;-) - feet????. The rest is the history of this WWC... one day, who knows, I'll share more...?

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_3

??OG #London2012: an improved structure with COB specialists on the side??who invested more than any other institution to bring home the gold??.?Months before in a ????meeting there:

??"What do we have to do for the gold, Maithe?"

??"We won't win now. Either we improve in the long term or we won't win (sorry to be so frank, anything can happen in football and I'll always cheer and support, but with common sense and a solid specific and tacit knowledge base??). We're not keeping up with progress ??at??international level (https://tinyurl.com/445z2x2u)".?

Thanks for the invite and the trust for this exchange??, COB, and for supporting the players on-site??, such as Marin, CBF president at the time (first time I saw it ???).?Thanks for the words and the recognition of my efforts too. We started very well in the tournament, but the hosts, Team GB, were on the way...??? and the motivational countdown with the stars????????? stopped in the QFs...?? Thanks Capitan, for taking the initiative into the dressing room??Next time then. The “Bicho do Mato” style was ??. Armoured????♀?. Let's respect??.

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_4

??FWWC #Canada2015: At the beginning of 2015, we were in a small????committee, a Petit Comité as we affectionately called it, to conclude some processes of the #FWC Brazil 2014?. At that time, I worked directly with the CFO to finalise the financial agreements??and handback?? reports of the facilities/Host Cities. Already alert?? and active????♀?, with an eye??on the challenges ahead, while taking part in a few??recruitment processes here and there, especially in Competitions, Teams, Players Management/Operations - my main domain, I was planning the "Dasein"??at the FWWC Canada 2015.

So, one fine day, I naively??printed out the match schedule?????in the office and continued working at my desk???. Ironically, the CFO went to the printer???to get some printouts and took mine with him. He flipped through the pages??and saw the FWWC match schedule??, he turned to me with a mischievous look??, as if he already understood everything, and said: "Maithe, Maithe... What is this???Don't you dare think about leaving??before we finish that one here?." I just kept a mischievous smile on my face and my eyes back??. Oops?? We had a good laugh...?? And the good, trusting collaboration??continued for a few more months, overlapping??with the next project at Rio 2016.

?????It was just a rough outline of an at-the-end not-made attempt????♀?: The logistics of the cities being so far apart, especially for the Sele??o, would be a real challenge...?? and other missions were calling...?? I skipped Canada...??? Who knows, maybe I'll go there one day...??

As for Australia and New Zealand 2023, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened...????♀?

Among many other most recent things...?? ??? VAR !?

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_5

??OG #Rio2016: Yeah, here I had the chance and chose to be on a very special and different commitment??. And it brought good results???. A dream came true...?? in a way I'd never imagined during this whole football ride??? (????thanks for the various offers,?for letting me choose and respecting my decision, thanks?to all those involved, and kudos to Team Germany.????).??Ever since the host city??was announced?????in 2009, I have been telling anyone that I????♀?would win gold??in women's football at Maracan????... Of course, I was referring to be????playing??the pitch?in the yellow jersey...???? And trust,??????I worked really hard and seriously putting my own skin in the game my whole life to make it happen...??.?It was one of the many game changer moments in my life????, that took me to another level of consciousness??. The crucial issue is how do you live it and what do you do with it??(we'll come back to that another time…). Being there????is not for everyone. I got it and started to value even more those who managed to be on the pitch??????????????. Thus, please be aware of the responsibility??!!?But life takes turns??and has its own mysteries and ways??. How crazy!?And beautiful. Can you see??

Games Time - we would only meet in a possible (dream) final??????. The universe knows everything...?? ???First and foremost, we are professionals??. That doesn't mean I couldn't leave motivational letters??????at every hotel I passed and where the Sele??o would be afterward...?????I'm just that person??. "Dasein"??, irgendwie. I really care??.?Don't worry??,?I’m reliable.?Team Germany and the #OCOG has already been able to rely on all that expertise in person????. And I'm loyal to those I?officially represent????. Of course, reciprocity is expected??. I can only talk about myself.?And there can always be empathy for others who deserve it, for those who are always ready to go the extra mile - if I want to. The rest is history...

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_6

??FWWC #France2019:??Consecrated, WCs??scorer among both men????and women????♀?. The “Bicho do Mato” gained voice???, or rather a finger????, to point at the ??boot???? and make everyone think??, with one of the greatest success cases??in women's sports marketing??#GoEqual https://tinyurl.com/yckct4b2). She increasingly??became a reference and leader within the team??and for the world??. I had the privilege of witnessing the 1??7??and the sequence in the tournament??(https://tinyurl.com/ywy6kf6m). What a time I have been through??, but living and loving football is just a call??... and "Dasein" again??????. It was always worth it??. And you, what moves you??? Thanks to those who were with me this time and made it possible????! In the Next morning??we went to meet the delegation and celebrate. Breakfast was under way, and she led by example, insisting on making scrambled eggs??for the whole group, including me????♀?:

??"Do you want one???"?

??"No, thanks, I'm for the croissants????????".?

It's clear who has become the professional player???????... Years later?, we've learnt??, diet adjusted???

???In the "resenha", good laughs ?? with the interview for the German TV?? after the previous match (https://tinyurl.com/3ypztsd4):?

??"Won't you ask the right question???" (in Portuguese to the reporter after she joined Klose as WCs??scorer - he didn't understand????♂?). "Tell him, tell him!" (to the interpreter??). The reporter still didn't get it...????♂? "I've equalled?? your Klose as top scorer?,??!"?

??"Oh yeah??! Sure! Congrats!"?

??The presenter: "That's Marta, (always sharp)???."????

??I laughed a lot while watching it live. And again, when we talked about it.???Good that journalists covering women's sports are better prepared currently!?Keep it up!??

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_7

??OG #Paris2024:???cut to France years later?, with the respective individual titles????(now as Dr.?,?so what????♀?, I keep the "Dasein"??and carpe diem??????) What a rollercoaster tournament??!!?Haja cora??o??!! And gratitude!!???? "Resenha" after the QFs against France - we passed???, with merit????, phew????.?France, the atmosphere at the stadium???was amazing??(https://tinyurl.com/5e4mv6b), congrats!! I can imagine the frustration??. But, it's part of the sport??

??“What happened against Spain???? You fell so strangely!!??Live, I even thought the foul was on you…??”

??“Yeah… I didn't understand anything either…????♀?”

??“Well, the team saved your Happy End????, you still have2??matches left…”

??“Yeah, I'm out??for two matches??”

??“Yes, there are still???games, enjoy them??!”

??“No, I'm suspended?for2??games!!”

??“What?!???And is there anything we can do about it????♀??"

??"They're working on it??... Talk to him, talk to him????(the president…)…”

??Mission given, mission accomplished?. Thanks, President Ednaldo, for your openness, the frank conversation and for making what was possible. Let's play by the rules????. And trust...??Thanks also for the #McDonalds dinner????????, President (after the victory it was allowed??- it could be a good partnership…??).

…????Congrats #Guerreiras !! You rocked it!! Or rather, you "crushed"??the current world champions in the SF (with all due respect, Spain????- just football language??, you destroyed us in the group stage and have been doing well in recent years with all my recognition: https://tinyurl.com/4yswkueu)… Thanks, Marseille!!???Partiu Paris??Finale!! We are back!! \o/???? (????Thanks for the help with the access???)…

…??Yeah, it wasn't this time. There was a lump in the throat??and a few more tears rolling down once again??But it was great! You've grown a lot as a group????, very proud????!! History for another time??. Kudo, Team USA!??????

??And she could be??the pitch for the farewell (??) with the yellow jersey??in style…?

??“Uhuu. Come here, let me give you a hug!??”

??“Another one?!?”

??“Now as a medalist??, #Marta ?? !”

??"It's the third one! It's the third one??!!"

??I know, Marta, I know…?? everyone knows… Congratulations!!??????”

Que figura!?? #TheQueen ????

Paths that have (almost) crossed_TQ_MC2025.1_8

????Thank you for fighting without giving up despite the setbacks! Only you??know what you went through????to get where you are????♀?...?No one else could handle??♀?it better. Everyone has their own path???

???"We may have to cry at the beginning to smile at the end" It didn't have to be like this...?? Perhaps for future generations...

????Be happy and keep achieving????and inspiring!?

??Always welcome and a pleasure to have you all (playing ????) in Europe (or anywhere)??. Come??more often!! Congratulations #OrlandoPride #orlpride for the historic??season and the??contract extension?????????https://tinyurl.com/ycsx3z4w ???Home is where you feel well, welcome, and valued.

??We started playing football??at a very, very young age (myself at 6-7????),??(in a country and) at a time when it was not the hype??it is today. So we are all used to big challenges and overcoming them????♀?????. In fact, I see??them as opportunities to look for solutions??, evolve??and to do better??. Always??. With fair play???. Can you say the same? #MoralAuthority ??

???Those who have not experienced it with the skin in the game cannot fathom the inner strength????that connects??and moves????♀??? us. And how much the dream and reality of football??????means to each and every one of us??, how we see, feel and live it.?It is a loooong history??????????written with a lot of dedication, sweat, tears, power, respect and care.???

????Do not dare disrespect, disdain, distort, slander or deny it (again!)??. The purpose is much much greater and authentic /pure than any ego, greed, and pettiness. Our intensity, our commitment, our tears, our talents, our skills, our power are unmeasurable?? #Unstoppable ???

????We stay on the ball!?????In a kingdom without a king?? (https://tinyurl.com/2p9nfmt8) all the queens (please, those with merits and character) rule. Men are important and very welcome??. But from #Augenhoehe????

???And yes, we know how to start??and end cycles??, how to have??and build????plans and stories, all this??background is ours and cannot be taken away??????. And yes,??it is??wonderfully transferable??and applicable??in various contexts????

See you on the road???, maybe...????♀?

#tbt #Kudo #Essence #Values #Respect #RespectOurHistory #YouDontKnowHowFarWeHaveWalkedToGetHere #WritersOfTheOwnHistory #Empowered #Empowering #UnconditionalSupport #NoConflictsOfInterest #Genuine #MC #M7SC #OTBOTR #FootbALL #LivingFootball #LovingFootball #EverSince #WorldCupsTopScorer #ThreeSilverMedals #SelecaoTopScorer #Resurgence #SavedByFocus #SavedByTalent #SavedBySkills #SavedByTheTeam #HappyEnd #AndCounting ... Ready????


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