Resurgence of INDRA of BHARAT Series…451; Re-orienting Mankind towards Sustainable Principles of Mother Nature
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARAT (INDRA-INTELLECTUALS of the Global Society),
Kind Attn: Mother BHARAT and her sisterly and brotherly Nations of the Global Society and the Academics, the Police, the Defense, the Technocrats, especially the Space Scientists and aspiring Social Mentors and Masters of Justice; also the young? journalists to learn the Art of Journalism,
Note of Special Attention: In the previous article series…450, we have mentioned that it is the role of Mother BHARAT to introduce us to the duty Conscious Principles of Mother Nature and in transcend sense; it is a sort of re-orientation towards communism or to the PHILOSOPHY of working together principles of the PARENTING Society as a NANDHINI PASU (BENEVOLENT COW OF NANO TECHNOLOGY) with equity rights of milk of her to every calves of the present global arena.
Therefore, re-orienting Mankind towards Sustainable Principles of Mother Nature is the COGNITIVE ROLE of any COMMUNIST PRINCIPLE as SOCIAL MENTORSHIP Concepts of any human Society under the guidance of Preceptor like Democratic leadership of BHARAT MATHA:
(Present Unconscious Social Scenario: To our misfortune, presently we are unconscious about communist principles of working together or Creativity CULTURE, being all of us stand disintegrated under pseudo democrats* of greed, Lust and pride customs of arrogance of the colonialism.)
(*Pseudo democrats means unaware of productivity and creativity Culture of the NANDHINI PASU (the prosperous Society) which now stands anchored on partially damaged one Leg, other three Legs severely became damaged or wrecked.
That One leg is the SOUTH – the partially damaged INDRA LOKA of BHARAT MATHA. That means, other three legs of quantum physics or Cognitive Principles of EAST, WEST and NORTH OF INDRA LOKA OF BHARAT as well Globally expanded Society of independent roles, i.e., ??(1) BRAHMA VIDYA OF (Human Rights of ACADEMICS), (2) VISHNU (Cognitive ETHICS of Solidarity or SOCIAL EQUITY), and (3) MAHESWARA (Intellectual Values of INDRA –AMRUT GANA and BANKS of INDUSTRIES) are seen absent or inoperative in the conscious pursuit of Mother BHARAT as well in global forums of the present unconscious society.
The folly of the present ritual customs of unconsciousness could be very well realized from the analysis of the recent CPIM State SAMMELANAM held at THIRUANANTHAPURAM of the so called literate State of the Mother BHARAT as part of partially damaged South Leg. The term” SAMMELANAM” means UTSAV which again means celebration of social conference in resemblance to the ancient Culture like “TRISIVA PERUR POORAM under the leader ship of VADAKUM NATHAN which means KASI NATHAN (VALUABLE PRECEPTOR), as it was the holistic culture of presenting and projecting academic and industrious ventures of the inherent community of valuable people annually as a social functions of exemplary nature. Today, most of us have no much awareness on these type of POORAMS as well the Mission Vision behind each temples etc. Appended below photo references of CPIM Meet:
If we consider the CPIM Party as a whole as GOMATHA (PASU), what are its relevance in such ritual practices among our literate people, in the absence of relative Academic and industrious communities as well without inviting KASI NATHANS (Valuable Preceptors of Central Government) and AMRUTHA KALASAMS (BANKS OF INDRAS) etc., to the SAMMELAN. Are these not the cause of poverty, ill health and conflicting nature of the present society?)
Training Note 3.1: Sustenance and Sustainable Principles of Social COWS and CALVES (MACRO and MICRO benevolent Societies)
The Universe is the MACRO SOCIETY as LIFE SHIP of the Mankind of all types under the Mentorship of Sustainable principles of grand Mother Nature.
And HUMANITIES pertain to BIO-TECHNOLOGIES OF QUANTUM PHYSICS (Social Mentors) and NANO-TECHNOLOGIES (Instrumental Valuable Preceptors) of the same LIFE SHIP of uniform order as of INTEGRATED SOURCE Of CONSCIOUS ENERGY of Maternity as HUMAN RIGHTS appears as of the Life Science spiritually, as ?River of Academic Missionaries chemically ?referred as RIVER GANGA transcend to SUSTENANCE Principles as YAMUNA (RIVER OF COGNITIVE ETHICS) industriously and further transcend to as SUSTAINABLE SARASWATHI as VALUABLE SKILLS or MEANINGFUL ART of creativity as of the perspectives of Mentors and Counselors of the passenger Sailors of MICRO SOCIETY as of prospective Missionaries and Visionaries in it.
(Explanatory Note: VISWA KARMA PURANA highlights that the UNIVERSE is PARA BRAHMA-SHIV SAKTHI (Inherent Consciousness of Eternal MOTHER** NATURE)
(**Mother is Superior originated from the INTEGRATION PRINCIPLE of PANCHA BOODHAS. PANCHA BOODHAS refers to five elements, i.e., the Basic Rights (1) Space, (2) Air, (3) Fire, (4) Water and (5) Earth and the integration Principles are only referred as the GANAPATHI means, the first Social Organizer of BASIC RIGHTS socially.)
Therefore, the Universe is originated on integration of PANCHA BOODHAS (Five Elements, I.e., (1) Space, (2) Air, (3) Fire, (4) Water and (5) Earth) referred as Five Basic Principles of DRIG VEDA and is evolving on unity Missions of three dimensional sustainable principles of Consciousness, i.e., (6) BRAHMA (COSMIC SUN), (7) VISNU (LINGUISTIC MOON), (8) MAHESWARA (INTELLIGENT EXPRESSIONS OF ABOVE SEVEN SWARAS (RITHAM OF SOUNDS), i.e., (9) SA, (10) RI, (11)GA, (12)MA, (13) PA, (14) THA, (15)NI, as Mentoring Art of Humanities being the First PART of MACRO SOCIETY OF SANADAN DHARMA (RAGHU RAMA CHANDRA VAMSA)
We the contemporary Society of human beings are the Secondary Part as Independent Society of ETHAKU ?VAMSA, ?GANAPATHI being the First Cognitive ADIATMA (SPIRITUAL LEADER) of Undergraduate CHILDREN OF BHARAT MATHA -Enlightened Mother and the Global Society of Shop Floor- GREEN FIELD OF MOTHER EARTH) known as PLUTO affects at NORTH under the Empowered similar MARS affects (AFFECTIONATE HEART- the SHONITHA PURAM (the RED FIELD of PUBERTY or MATURITY Community of GRADUATES, generally referred as MURUGA (URANUS-Cognitive Links of MARS) at SOUTH)
Thus, from the South, the resurrection Mission of BHARAT MATHA has to commence again empowering KERALA, TAMIL NADU, KARNATAKA and ANDRA STATE Once again as Unique Mission of Enlightened BHARATHIYA JANATHA. That means we have to begin a new path way liberate ourselves from the party politics of colonialism. The Methodology of it, we will continue in the next class….
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with principles of working together-www.[email protected]