Resurgence of INDRA of BHARAT Series…445; It is time to resurrect our beloved Nation of BHARATHIYA JANATHA in Natural perspective of humanities
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARAT (INDRA-INTELLECTUALS of the Global Society),
Kind Attn: Mother BHARAT and her sisterly and brotherly Nations of the Global Society and the Academics, the Police, the Defense, the Technocrats, especially the Space Scientists and aspiring Social Mentors and Masters of Justice; also the young? journalists to learn the Art of Journalism,
Note of special Attention: It is the time to resurrect our beloved Nations of BHARATHIYA JANATHA in Natural perspective of humanities globally, liberate from all sort of present colonial mindsets and erroneous social outfits including rebellious party politics, fanatic customs of irreligious academics and foul customs of industries of exploit of natural economics. And this is what has been really meant as PURUSHARTH - Mighty Leadership with the Life Force of Wisdom - the real SHIV SAKTHI of SANADAN DHARMA - the actual FREEDOM of HUMANITIES as encrypted in Vedic Literature of BHARAT MATHA.
Our beloved youth of prospective maternity should stop wedding cockroach mindsets of deadly beings of greed; lust and pride of arrogance until unless a conscious society opens up facilitate to learn the real Science and Art of Creativity and Entrepreneurship. Ref: VISWA KARMA PURANA - the Missed or the hidden text of Fifth VEDA of Entrepreneurship of Mother BHARATH:
(Elucidation Note: BHARAT MATHA is the SHIV SAKTHI (Life force) sustainably exists on nuclear proliferation treaty of the Universal Origin as the natural concept of her Nano-Technology. Ref Text: BRAHADHARANYOPNISHAD (Expansion Theory of Sub –Atoms), which states that even when an ATOM is divided; it exists as sub Atom similarly exists in its every bifurcation and the only path and course towards sustainable life of human empowerment or of humanities is the cognitive know-how or the integration skill.
Therefore SAKTHI exists as disintegrated force of three qualities in Space and Power is life, which is the Cognitive know-how as of Self- awareness- the real dynamism of the Conscious Individual.
In view of the above, we have yet to rise up to the real platform of humanities resurrecting social Mentoring Principles of BHARAT MATHA. Secondly, there are no relevance to most of the present disintegration practices of Socio-economic, political and judicious customs.)
(HRD Research Findings and Solutions: Our beloved Nation MA-BHARATH being the original INDRA (Intellectual Society) has the capacity to play this changing role. We have intellectual Scientists at the roots, powerful political leaders of unexplored, potential bureaucrats being caged cause to the present social handicaps and the very enthusiastic people. What we require is the integration of all these resources in natural order enable to flow like river of GANGA-YAMUNA-SARASWATHI with the inherent Principle Swimmers of knowledge of the Rights- Ethics and Values of oneness and that will take us to the conscious platforms of KUMBHA MELA of PRAYAG RAJ (in resurrects of Conscious skills for the social benevolence evolution of peace and prosperity in harmony).
Proper awareness of the rights and responsibilities among the people may be a threat to colonial outfits but for the Mother BHARATH is concerned it is the righteous might for the good governance for human sustenance and sustainable evolution in harmony of peace and prosperity.
A democratic social decorum is the bureaucratic right to create a new generation free from fear and confusions with self-awareness and duty consciousness. The Youth will have to acquire soft skills and vocational skills at secondary school to role play productively and the Masters and Mentors need to realize the respective roles for social harmony.
The work culture should shift from exploitation to participation. The Individual psyche should shift from competition to co-operation. The Economy should shift from expenditure to investment adopt participate culture of Academy, Industry and Governance institutions evolve in consecutive manner as units of oneness. There should not be any room for stress, strain or for conflict. Thereby the dream of one world becomes a resurrected reality as emulative to the global society.
In fact, Vedanta advocates, working together concepts of SHIV SAKTHI (LIFE FORCE) integrating one and all understanding the principles of unity in diversity like TAMARA (LOTUS); Lotus although have many petals are the integrated versions of the root or seed energy- the “AUM”)
Training Note 1.2: Resurrect us in Natural Perspective of Mother BHARAT (Conscious Society).
Presently, most of us – we the common people are unconscious being unaware of the Mentoring Principles of Love and Affection or the Natural Principles of humanities of our ?beloved Mother BHARAT MATHA and of our human relations to the Universal-self.
As a result, most of us behave like orphans, while elderly children stand handicapped in the Occident customs of greed, lust and pride of arrogance, set course to the cyclic state of animal doom.
In order to resurrect us in natural perspective of BHARAT MATHA, we need to understand clearly the basic Constitute of our Universal family- the VASU DEVA KUTUMBAKAM.
Training Note 1.2.1: The Universal Family of VASU-DEVA-KUTUMBAKAM
This we will continue in the next class……
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with principles of working together-www.[email protected]