Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...303,the Mission of Mother India is to reorient the Global Society with her Natural Principles of Working together

Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...303,the Mission of Mother India is to reorient the Global Society with her Natural Principles of Working together

My beloved people of India ( Indras of the Global Society),????????????

Kind Attn: Mother India and her sisterly and brotherly ?Nations of the Global Society.

(Note: ?The Global Society is in ambiguous. There is uncertainty, insecurity, immorality and economic imbalance all around. People are misguided irreligious, having taught that accumulation of wealth and might is the icon of the success, while the real natural mission of life is to work harmoniously for the Universal peace and prosperity.

?Ancient people of Mother India were with the above natural ultimate realization of BHARAT MATHA (Enlightened Mother of the Universe) and thus she was addressed as the Mother India. Unfortunately, later she also fell victim to the viral impact of the demon customs of greed, lust and pride of arrogance and of its imposed economics of the elemental world.

Though it bit late in recovery of her own health and wealth, now the people of Mother India started rising up again from the ambiguity in realize of her inherent Mission to reorient the global society with the natural principles of working together introducing Cognitive Education.

It may be little difficult for the elemental world to understand fully of Mother India and of her neutral Diplomatic Relations. After all what else that one can expect from the superior Mother of wisdom other than her affectionate human relations. The superior wisdom is that awareness of sustainable truth. Mother only knows the justice of origin-the ADI SESHAN (Sustainable Truth of origin). It is her own good Vision that sustained in transcendence as Sun, Moon, and planets, later as star Communities elementally projecting in different forms of life including we human beings.

Holiness of life is the DWARAKA OF KRISHNA (the integrating spirit of the HEART-the affectionate quality of Mother ship (SCIENCE OF QUALITIES OF SOCIAL MENTORS-REPUBLICANS) in cognition with entrepreneurial Art of the Universe (POLITICAL ART OF DEMOCRATS OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY IN HARMONY).

Lesson 2: Reorienting to the Real World of Participatory Democracy of Entrepreneurial Work Culture

The Social Science of Global Society is originated from BHRAHMA (WISDOM/BUDHA)- and the same is known as YA-HU-DA biblical. Wisdom is the Valuable Qualities of Life Excellence developed out of Cognition of Science of Mother Nature (INDRA SHIP) and Entrepreneurial Art of the Universe (ISLAMIC SHIP).

(A word of Caution: Do the present elemental world of us have any awareness in the above true spirit of relevance (Sustainability or religion), while role playing as Social Mentors, thus, the need for the new re-orienting mission from Mother India imparting Cognitive Science of Education, Industry, Good governance and Justice of international relations rather diplomatic relations of social equity.)

Lesson 2.1: Elements of Wisdom-BHRAHMA

Wisdom is the Quality of Space-the KALI (MOTHER MARY)-the CLI(Cosmic, Linguistic Intelligence) Supposed to be linked to the Social Systems in synergy.

Explanatory Note:

CLI is conceptual know-how as Wisdom of Mother Nature (Cognitive Science of Wealth rather Inherent VALUES). Cognitive Science is three dimensional.

Wisdom is the quality of Mentors hip rather Womanish. It is the Cognitive Science as composite of philosophy-JNYANA (parental knowledge of Sustainability in Space as Moving Atoms of attraction supposed to be emulated as affectionate qualities of current systems of Parents, Police, Teachers and Lawyers), and Physics of Repulsion-the TRUTH (Justice of Sustainability supposed to be inherent qualities of Entrepreneurs, Soldiers Democrats and Court of Judiciary) so as appear as Social Chemistry of HARMONY (quality of Republican Mentors).

Lesson 2.2: Elements of Art of Creativity-the CULTURE

Culture is Cognitive Art of elemental soul of the Universal creativity.

Explanatory Note:

Projected Values are the Cognitive Art-the Health and it is four dimensional (Three qualities of Science and Four projected values together constitute as CLIMATE, elementally as Seven DAYS)

The four dimensional Art is DHARMA (Duty Consciousness supposed to be Social art of Parents, Police, Teachers and Lawyers), ARTHA (Ethics- Purpose of Economic Values of art to be emulated as requisite art of ?respective Social Mentors), KAMA (Science of Mission?of Entrepreneurs) and MOKSHA (Liberation rather Freedom of Self- awareness to act as Soldiers, Democrats and of Justice).

To be continued……..

Directives from the SCOSAQ-the NGO Member with Special Consultancy Status of UN ECOSOC?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the nations, Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously working together.



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