Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...299, Universal Integration-fundamental to humanity

Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...299, Universal Integration-fundamental to humanity

My beloved people of India ( Indras of the Global Society),????????????

Kind Attn: Our?Governments, Our Judiciary, Members of Parliament and legislative Assembly, All Ministries,?especially Ministry of Home Affairs, Education, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence.?Think tankers of Central and State Governments, Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy and Culture.

(Note: ?Vedanta Advocates Humanity and thus Mother India always uphold humanity-the Justice of life. No Nation can expect Mother India ally with any militancy for her safety when her consciousness implies on Universal peace and prosperity. How a Nation can survive if the might and muscle question the Justice? What is the relevance for NATO like pacts in a world of democracy? What principle the judiciary will uphold if might and muscle overrule? Perhaps, it is here the world of Nations including UNO must understand what Mother India stands for in uphold of the principles of Universal Integration with an army of peace and Justice.

Indian Army is for peace and what upholds Indian army is Justice and Justice prevails as the sustainable mission of her life.

Universal Integration is the need of the Time. Peace and prosperity always sustains. We do not have the freedom neither to fight nor to damage ourselves, but to sustain our humanity. Therefore, Mother India will not entertain nor encourage power play of might of any nation for sustenance. What is relevant to the present world of human crisis is the social integration adopting Cognitive Education.)

Lesson 2: Universal Integration fundamental to Humanity

Humanity is Cognitive Science and Art of sustainable life for peace and prosperity.

Humanity encircles parental love and affection-the Universal principles. Perhaps modern society has lost this inherent mission of life excellence and the cause for all sort of anomaly.

Humanity is unknown to present society because we don’t have synergistic Mentor ships socially. Hence, mostly, we elemental get developed as Mankind and are unable to attract to the central axis either socially or universally.

Humanity encircles the Universal central axis–the vertical of Arctic to Antarctic, which evolves from north to South Pole as heart and soul links of us enlightening east and enriching the west particles duty consciously for harmonious empowerment for peace and prosperity.

Elemental in anyway perishes in course of time, war accelerate the decay process.

The concepts of any democratic system are for righteousness rather good governance, Education for knowledge and religion for Value culture. Righteousness is the moral part of the thought process. Education is for the manifestation of perfection already present in man. Cognitive Education means transformation of life from instinct to intellectual and to intuitive level. It is not meant for exploitation, but for the realization of the eternal truth- the Universal hood.

Today, it is seen that everything stand commercialized, whether religion, education or social governance. It is the excellence of the people that has to fruition up as useful products and services. And for that the social drive should be very much in humanism.

To be conti…d

Directives from the NGO-SCOSAQ?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT; and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE??Integrating the??global society building quality into?the people and to the Nations




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