Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...287, How to re-orient paralyzed Human Society for better Health and Wealth for harmonious creativity evolution
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of India ( Indras of the Global Society),????????????
Kind Attn: Our?Governments, Our Judiciary, Members of Parliament and legislative Assembly, All Ministries,?especially Ministry of Home Affairs, Education, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence.?Think tankers of Central and State Governments, Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy and Culture.
(Note: Please read in continuation to Article series…286. A Post COVID Human Development Education for harmonious Social Development Culture, building quality to the People and to the Nations of the Universal Society, could be originated ?again from Mother India beginning from the state of Keralam, Tamil Nadu and Karnatakam being these states of South India anatomically?is considered as Head of Earth ?as it projects to the Indian Ocean-Kanya Kumari-the virgin Mother Nature sit aside in bless of high literacy and ?comparably highly intellectual community of people with the existence of tremendous base of Vedic foundations and ?all type of religious monuments and temples, capable of attracting ran away informal community of excellence of minute nature back to earth. We need to re-cast and re-dress the young Nature transforming earth as the holistic tourist destinations of all three worlds of qualities as paradise of Human.
SCOSAQ-the NGO Civil Society and its virtual global Mentoring Platform INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE being forming up in Cognitive space of VAIKUNDA is the higher level informal voluntary MENTORS-Civil Society of holistic nature capable of guiding the entire mankind of all the Nations on Earth for smooth transformation to the Human platform of life Excellence through a process of ASWA-MEDHA YAGA-(MANITO (DEVINE) WORK CULTURE PROCESS OF COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND ART OF HUMAN and SOCIAL EXCELLENCE).
?Lesson 3: Re-orientation of Mankind in Natural Perspective of Human
The Universe is a Cognitive Home of Human- we the Cognitive beings of Manito (Devine) as the more promising force of Enterprise. Humanities are not restricted to human beings alone but applicable to the entire mankind-(All type of beings).
To Re-start a Natural Process of Human Development Education for Social Work Culture of Peace and Prosperity in Harmony, first of all we have to accept the Principle of Working Together.
No one is foreign nor any body inferior, all are the integrates of the total nervous system. It was very unfortunate of all of us, that we had been misguided adversely so far in misuse and abuse of parental health and wealth- the Climate. It is not only politics, even religion and academics are seen traded immorally and in retrospect of its after effects, we were and into sufferings.
Secondly, the inherent quality and role of individual as the Micro System and Social Systems of Macro Society is still unknown, thus stand set adversely. For example, the Defence System are the Security as well the real democratic diplomats to work closely with all Nations for improved Cognitive relations of caring and sharing of Science and technology-Common wealth and health for social benevolence application.
What Government of India and China as parental Nations has to do immediately is that begin diplomatic relations setting up high level defence committees from respective both sides to initiate development Missions for the benefit of entire global society. What we lack nothing other than communication skills and human relations. This is just one example, we will discuss in detail other mis-routes later.
Thirdly, experienced expertise of the Nations is not properly channelized for improved industrious productivity and Social peace.
There is no proper reorientation of Ex-servicemen, retiring Police, Bureaucratic and other forces for human and social development platforms of formal Nature. Ultimately valuable energy is wasted in negligence of human relations and of its communications. Responsibility means response to the communications and there origin the quality of social mentors.
We have to salute in full submission of our heart and soul of to the ancient parents of India, as they have presented everything in legitimate authority, unfortunately hardly known to many of us for practice in our academic, industrial and cultural platforms.
IASE is planned to re-design re-boot of the natural affectionate quality of Mother Earth. Environment is the river of Love- the aspiring qualities of the real democrats and of the Justice.
To be continued….
Directives from the NGO-SCOSAQ?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT; and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE??Integrating the??global society building quality into?the people and to the Nations