Resurgence of India (INDRA) Series...265, Organizational hierarchy of the Universe and the Natural concepts of learning
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of India ( Indras of the Global Society),
Kind Attn: Our Governments, Our Judiciary, Members of Parliament and legislative Assembly, All Ministries, especially Ministry of Home Affairs, Education, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence. Think tankers of Central and State Governments, Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy and Culture,
(Note: It is because of the unawareness of our Universal organizational structure and our cognitive roles in it that we stand disintegrated involving mostly in non-productivity activities trading our own wealth and health elements adopting exploit and compete customs socially deteriorating our health and our natural economy.
Most of us do not know the purpose of music and singing and the art of role playing benevolently. Mostly we misuse our health and wealth expressing pride for no use. Even social media exists on customs of mostly such trade of prides. We are taught to sing for films not for real life of creativity. We are taught to play in alembics to express national pride not for the empowerment of sportive spirits and objective games of addressing any of our industrious and social challenges. Our Social systems are based on recognition and politics of hoard of votes, not on independent strength of quality of heath and wealth. Is there any tree depend on other for its fruition? Mostly all sort of fake habits are in practice and ultimately we all of us are sunk in deadly viral environment. Even for learning we have to sell our poor health and wealth transcend our viral nature to further viral sickness of fast spread. SUKRA ACHARYAS are advising benevolent ASURA KINGS not to honor to the pleads of VAMANAS-the poor people, because the Gurus are also from Asura cluster and are depended on the ASURA SHIP (Non-Intellectual States )of the KINGS for survival. Religious peer groups run brought out and hired beliefs expensively on donations and on grants. Non of the mission could elevate the society from its intoxicated path of lust and greed from the dormant customs of slaves over slaves.
Situations are not different from ITHIHASA (Past history) even to date as most of us are taught by those contemporary professors, peers and egoistic social masters who have not realized the real soul of (INDRA SHIP) of creativity by themselves in natural perspective. Artificially we have grown beyond viral status as JANGAMAS instead of STHAVARAS of Wealth(productivity minds).
Remember our subject of narration in the last article series…264 describing “Principles and Ethics of Mother Nature” under chapter 9 was with the idea of understanding our own Natural Science and Art of living in harmony so as to enable us to redesign our social empowerment systems to get liberated from the pandemic environment rather from the world of sickness and of the conflicting customs and crisis. To re-in-force our wisdom, here we will further narrate the natural social hierarchy and of its natural concepts of learning. This knowledge will bring us a spirit of happiness and boldness in our cognitive relations and roles so as to stop all sort of our ill deeds including of wars between nations resetting our Social, National International relations. And our Mother India has to take the lead as most of us enjoy the blessings of the holistic parental past as the spirit of good exists in every one of us though we are victims to politically and economically corrupt ailments. )
Lesson 1: Universal hierarchy and Natural Concepts of learning
Lesson: 1.1: Initial Creativity.
The Supreme power is the enlightened cognitive ATOM-the PARA- ATHMA-the inherent Soul of Consciousness, which is informal. PARA-ATHMA has become PARAMATHMA(GRAND SHIP OF PARA BRAHMA) on further course of creativity expanding the family.
Therefore, All initial creations were informal in CHEMISTRY and were known as STHAVARAS( Sustainable outputs of wealth). World of DEVAS (RAMADANS) exists in Cosmic rather cognitive forms like stars of PHILOSOPHY and its PHYSICAL nature is of (Days)- varying quality rays of enlightenment.
Lesson: Natural Social Hierarchy
When cosmic population increased manifold,the family administration has become hectic and PARAMATHMA resolved to appoint his Senior sub conscious Democrat Sivasankara (JIVA ATMA) as CEO extending his own field of Sports and games of creativity.
Sivasankara being experienced expert as direct Sub Conscious Cognitive link of PARAMATHMA attained know-how independently rather power of creation and modification- SAMPU SHIP (Entrepreneurship) had established further links of democrats under him as subtract forum co-create seven continents of new industrious Vision field of creativity of Social Justice empowering himself as SUN.
With the increase in further population of new generation, uplift of youth empowering cognitive skills academically, industrially and culturally for improved social relations, peace and prosperity has become ardent necessity, and the first Academy of higher education as MOON Link has came into being Sivasankara appointing his own partner MAHA VISHNU(DUTY CONSCIOUSNESS) as MANAGERS and chief preceptors of it. Moon Academy of management of mentoring minds are empowerment forum of Republic as Social mentors Moon being the chief Mentor.
As Duty conscious role of MAHA VISHNU of Moon Academy for empowering the elemental community, he has further created as cognitive link below as Schools of Industrial and Academic disciplines entrusting Senior/elders of parental and GURUs of Mental Space rather cognitive links of planets as its Brahma JNYANIS accommodating elemental communities students and as vocational players of industries and artisans of farming and agriculture.
The Present divide and rule rather disintegrating customs and concepts of partisan politics and polluting technologies are of artificial intelligence of conquerors embedded on India and China subsequent ally patented in other regions, which considered and developed people also of artificial Intelligence providing them temporary employments as and when contingent to run the customary systems.
The real fact is that majority of people of India as a whole were very reluctant to the customs of conquerors, and some of the academic experts formed communities of left as communists to save the neglected people of BOP and, some justice seekers of right gave shape to RSS like cadre developments for social security later the same created political forms in the name of Jansangh etc are the real examples of the presence of truth oriented culture concepts of INDRA.
Lesson 1.3: Natural concepts of learning
Listening, reading, mentally analyzing and benevolently singing (Keerthana) are the four consecutive learning processes.
Sound (NADAM) is the first social chemistry of Indra. Word is the bone (VAJRA) inherent meaning of the word is the seed (VAKBEEJ) together constitute as RAGA SUDHA project as MURALI MADHAVA ( COGNITIVE SKILL)-Virile power of HEALTH and Potential Qualities of values.
Field is the Mind and its purposeful objectives rather empowered qualities (SHRUTHI) and LAYAM is the cognitive output constitute as Elemental products and services (STHAVRAM) Feminine Force as wealth.
Lesson 2: Health and Wealth is the Vision and Mission Dancing Art
We will continue in the next next…..
Directives from the NGO-SCOSAQ and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT; and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE Integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations.