Resurgence of India (INDRA) and Global Society Series…359, Graduating Mother India for Mentoring in re-engineering self and the Global Society
My beloved people of India and the Global Society,????
Kind Attn: MOTHER INDIA and?All?Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and?Defence.,?The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the??global Society.
Primary Note of Attention: Please read this article and future series very carefully and holistically as this will open our eyes towards conscious world of humanity for further application process of our knowledge academically, industrially and culturally. Also understanding this know-how will free us from all sort of viral sickness, fear and desperate affairs of life while equally sharpen and strengthen our intellect for further sustainable evolution.
Attention and care is cardinal, as presently, we live in NAGA LOKA (Under World of Illusions in de-link from Vision links of Sun and Mission links of Moon) where, confusions over rule us. Understanding present status of us and further elevating us from the world of illusions to the primary BRAHMA LOKA (elemental world of One Earth-the INDRA of health skill like Mars), then to the mental world of VISHNU LOKA (one Family of Mankind of Management skill of Wealth like Jupiter) and then to the Cultural world of the SHIV LOKA (spiritual world of one Future transcend skills of creativity like Venus) etc., cannot be?done in one SAPTHAHA (one WEEK of seven days) and it is not that ease too as every minute particles has its own varying ?SAPTHAHA (weak particles generally mentioned as Seven DATHU in Sanskrit means quality elements). We have to gradually attain all these sustainable qualities with that will of BHAKTI YOGA (Student ship) learning from BHARATH MATHA (Enlightened Parents) and of the evolving systems of the CLIMATE (Mother Nature) as she knows everything as our beloved Mother and she has also equipped us with her four tools of SANG (Listening skill), CHAKRA (Vision Skill), GADA (Linguistic Skill) and PADMA (Presentation Skill).
?Let us understand that Mother India being INDRA of the Global Society with her enhanced role of Presidency of G 20 Nations, for uplift of us towards our Natural Parental family of VASU-DEVA-KUTUMBAKAM is a duty Conscious and Responsible Task. So let us as her beloved children, with draw our elemental conscious limbs from the fields of radical childish games of politics of divide and rule as all that are unsustainable games being focused only to enjoy the pleasure of hoarders of greed, lust and pride, instead at this critical juncture of ill health and poor wealth of our present conflict environment, we should focus our attention carefully for learning the real Cognitive Science and Art of human incarnation:
(Note to text of the Subject Article: Humanity of Mother India is under re-incarnation as her eligible quality of graduation for Mentoring and Re-engineering Global Society towards the New World of Natural Order empowering all of us to work together for peace and prosperity.
So far in dream of our intoxicated state of greed, lust and pride of arrogance, what we were all playing in the name of pseudo democracy seems due to the very childish nature of us because of the temporary effect of the lost vision of our Mentor-the Mother India-the BRAHMA-the Humanity.
For many centuries, we human beings were under the dodge in catalepsy world of catapult in deprived of our Universal human dimensions and of our prospective evolution of Sustainable Mission. However, all those affairs of our dream are very negligible as the earth as a whole is just a dust particle as far the ANANDA (infinite Universe) is concerned. It is for us to change for our sustainable better future.
?As seen from the cloudy environment, our present scenario is now under the change by Mother Nature herself and Mother India is regaining her lost vision. We have to get back into our Universal family-VASU-DEVA-KUTUMBAKAM and these needs, we will have to get resolved in our next G 20 submit in Mother India. )
Training Note 4: Re-engineering India and Global Society
BRAHMA of MARS LINK-VISHNU OF JUPITER LINK-MAHESWARA OF VENUS LINK (Elemental World of Wisdom of Mother Nature of India (Health) rather the INDRA of one Earth - Mental World of Corporate Nations of Management of the Wealth of the Global society as one Family – Spiritual World of Culture of humanity of working together for one future) is the three consecutive human empowerment platforms that we have to get re-engineered as per the Universal Climatic order of respective Planets for our future sustainable evolution.
?And for that, first of all, Socio-Economic and Political Geography of Mother India needs to be restructured as per the Cognitive links of the CLIMATE-BHARATH MATHA-MOTHER MARY. The cognitive Science behind this suggestion is that we are basically Mankind by Nature supposed to live above the Earth and our cognitively destined relation is humanity-the VASU- DEVA-KUTUMBAKAM as we are six dimensional Cognitive evolutionary Artists of Creativity as of Sustainable beings. Therefore, we are basically Mankind and our Nature is cognitive elemental day links like a PEACOCK as Self-willed Vehicle with consciousness as its spiritual fuel head links of MARS- the sixth Dimensional BUDHA SKANDA- (CLIMATE of the BHARATH MATHA as Links of Mercury and Mars).
To regulate traffic of self-willed vehicles in space or in Universal Society, Mother Nature initially created human beings of Justice Saturn Links - as the basic intelligence aspect of the day of 7th dimension as the GANAPATHI-the skilled INDRA - rather Mother INDIA as presently addressed, as the Social development PRINCIPAL MENTOR of Maternity rather of the Mother Nature of the BHARATH MATHA or the BRAHMA-the Humanity. Ref Text: SKANDA PURANA.
To our misfortune, we elemental human beings?stand presently transcend to as confused beings of the earth in succumb under threat directives of Snake like Parents, Teachers and?Social Masters of black hole dynamism (pseudo democracy) and live like Rats in fear customs of illusion (Artificial Intelligence) Ref Text: NAGA PURANA.
As of its after effects, the contemporary society is made to ride on RATS-on exploit of our basic elemental values in wreck of the wheel of our natural survival systems,?thus unable to move in the natural self-willed manner nor able to evolve further to human kingdom of sustainability.
?The time is now set in re-surge of the Vision Mission of Mother India under the new promising governance of BHARATHIYA JANATHA MISSION with the will to adopt real political Science of mother Nature of working together, empowering youth to venture on industriously elevating Social development systems towards the productivity culture in cognition, diplomatically re-link global Society to the Universal oneness so as to enable all of us to re-course to the sustainable world of love and affection of the beloved Mother Nature-the humanity.)
Training Note 4.1: Suggested Re-engineering Solution to Mother India
Present Society, being in the custody of underworld illusion Customs of NAGA RAJAS of Greed, Lust and Pride of arrogance rather in the grip of rebellious party politics of divide and rule and radicalized irreligious groups and of the wrecked monotonous in sets of executives and judiciary and being unable to propel to human platforms, re-engineering is fundamental at Socially, Economically, Politically as well Geographically.
Social System Mentors and Masters are to be replaced with KARMA YOGIS, RAJA YOGIS and JNYANA YOGIS, in election of Social Counselors from the Academic Researchers and from the community of the Industrial Preceptors- GURUS.
Economics is industrious Value Culture of health and wealth with the principles of working together right from grass root rural ?level as PUNJAYATH RAJ??resolving projects of agree culture resorting to eco-friendly green and natural energy sources to meet human and social needs arriving Common Transit Values like of circular economy.
Present exploit political customs are to be replaced with Cognitive Social Culture of Republic and Democrats developing appropriate Academic and Industrial wings empowering Universities as basic political Unit of holistic Governance of research and sustainable development empowering Villages organizing PUNJAYATH Projects.
Geographically, Mother India should be brought under five Cognitive Links of the BHARATH MATHA rather Climate, i.e., UTTAR KHAND, DAKSHI KHAND, MADYA KHAND, POORVA KHAND and PASCHIMA KHAND linking respectively adjacent states developing three Union Territories as Wisdom Seats of three Fundamental Qualities of Development Systems. i.e., Parliament at DELHI, EXECUTIVE at INDORE and JUDICAIARY AT CALICUT. (We have to realign Armed Wing’s HQs, Academic and Industrial HQs appropriately about which we will explain in detail later)
Training Note 4.2: Suggested Re-engineering Solution to the Global Society
According to SKANDA PURANA, Universal Principle of Elemental Freedom of Mother Earth is PEA-COCK, space being the infinite world, while elemental principle of wisdom of Mother Nature is GANAPATHI- Social Principle of Inner Space of Mind.
The Mother India is the INDRA Cognitive Principle of both the properties of Elemental world as the RASTRAPATHI. VISWA KARMAJERS are to be from the role players of high level preceptors like mental links of AGASTYA, VASHIT, VISWA MITRA, ATRI etc., while system sitters should be from mentor links like Scholars of VEDA VYASAS and KRISHNA of Inner world. ??These preceptors of humanity still sustain informally as we the human beings of the elemental links.
There are Seven Seas and Seven Continents as the Pea and Cock (MOTIVE LINK OF ELEVATION). Tail being spread at North, head to South, wings spread to East and West, human beings at the inner gate of Wisdom of humanities as Marshals as links of planets, heads being Martial Artists of Justice?as links of stars so as to take care of our wisdom and?Freedom as wealth and health of?the Universal Society.
Therefore, the above Principle of Peacock is the re-align principle of geographical cognition globally.
We will explain in the same order in continuation to the training Notes in subsequent series as the present article is getting so exhaustive to the beloved readers……
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the NGO Member with Special Consultative status of UN ECOSOC as well as Partner of UN DESA SDG Mission and the COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations, Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously?working together