Resurgence of India (Indra) and Global Society Series…325, Reincarnation of humanities through YOGA-Cognitive Education
Humanities of Mother India

Resurgence of India (Indra) and Global Society Series…325, Reincarnation of humanities through YOGA-Cognitive Education

My beloved people of India and the Global Society,????

Kind Attn: MOTHER INDIA and?All?Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and?Defence.,?The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the??global Society.

(Note: All things are developed from the Universal Consciousness including Mankind. Human beings are cognitive beings of Universal consciousness with all that qualities of faculties inherent in Universal Consciousness. As such empowered human beings are independent, can create, sustain and modify or recreate anything. However, we-the present human beings have no such awareness of self.??Modern Society as a whole has forgotten this Natural link of human excellence being got trapped in a world of demon concepts of Greed, Lust and pride of arrogance of exploit economy.

We live in a world of crime, ill health, desperation, poor knowledge, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, socially reinforced with crisis of economic disparity, terrorism, conflicts, value recession, insecurity, atmospheric pollution, wide spread diseases, corruption, contamination of products and services, even food products with the motto of making profits engaging not only in exploitative and competitive practices, but also??in riots, strikes and violence.

?A research study reveals that, it is not because of the non-preparedness of the administrators or the non-co-operation of the people that a proper resolution for human and social development does not emerge; rather it is the non-awareness of the natural scientific concepts and practices of human excellence.

Though, Ancient Research findings on human and social development existed in Vedic literature and scriptures of Mother India; unfortunately Modern India also had been fallen victims to the demon concepts of hoarders and of its outreached elemental customs of trading values under the enforced rule of law of capitalist democracy.

Now it is time to re-surge the global society, understanding the human and social development concepts in natural perspective. Natural perspective is the Cognitive Education rather YOGA. YOGA is the right solution for reincarnation of humanities. Humanities not only sustain, but also take us towards freedom. )

Lesson 4: Reincarnation of humanities

We human beings initially exist as elemental artists as 6th sense of Consciousness with independent links with the following life systems of five elements:

Life of ((1) AIR) is like a river (NARADHA), flows from top to bottom?rather from North ((2) SPACE) to Elemental-South ((3) EARTH) energizes the South West (Mission Body of (4) WATER) and evaporate in AGNI ((5) FIRE) Path towards North East as Vision.

Elemental state of human beings is to be properly mentored at the childish state by the Parents- PIPLATHAS -( philosophical links) and later by Teachers- ARUNIS-(Academic Links) till Matriculation. This state of Mentoring environment of the elemental world is known as KISHKINDIA (Kindle) and Mentors quality requisite capable of creating the spark is the SUGRIVA-Cognitive Science of GOUTHAMAS (affectionate Links) and Art of ATRI (love Links of feed) of ASTA VAKRA (8 dimensional Soul Skill). On Matriculation, elemental stretches to Mankind.

Mankind is 9th dimensional skill of Mentorship, capable of mentoring undergraduates vocationally like BHARDWAJ (Transcend links). The quality of Mentorship at this state of conception or puberty state is known as HAYAGREVA-Communication Skill of cognition.??

Human kind begins from 11th dimension of AGNI Path and on graduation one attains the quality of RAMA-Directive Skill of space links entering in AYODYA. The Mentors are the VASHISTAS and AGASTYAS consecutively as Quality links of Moon and vision links of Sun respectively.

Subsequent state is of GURU KSHETRAS (Environment of Preceptors) with the Quality Skills of the AGNI PATH. Mentors is known as NEELAGRIVA-MANANTHER rather Conscious BEINGS LIKE KRISHNA. Mentors of these post graduate communities are the BRAHMA RISHIS like VISVAMITRAS –Universal Preceptor links)

Social Mentors of Republic, Democrats and Research Peers and Religious Counselors should be the links of VASHISTA. VISVAMITRA and AGASTYA like preceptors capable of addressing every problems and challenges of the human society.

Human life is so wonderful on empowerment to the state of KRISHNA to travel beyond in hobnob.

(Human Tragedy: Human tragedy is that instead of setting course towards natural path of human empowerment, Modern Society being elemental has already sunk in the underworld of illusions in abuse and misuse of values sustainability in question. Most of us as?at the ?role of so called social guides turn out as hooligans of vandalism.

Therefore, Reincarnation of Humanities is fundamental to save the mankind from the demon concepts of human massacre.)

(Scope of Mother India: Mother India has already initiated “AGNIPATH” from the glorious human force on earth-the Indian Army for training the youth and this will bring pathways for grass root level change to the mankind empowering the Nation to its peak glory benevolent to one and all, cause to the reincarnation of humanities for shaping the new world of Natural order. And there begins the dawn of an international fraternity touching and developing umpteen faculties of cognitive-YOGA education building up prodigious sons and daughters to the world very steadily.

Next devising human systems of Academy, Industry and social harmony, we will explain about it in the next lesson…..

Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the NGO Member with Special Consultancy status of UN ECOSOC and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations, Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously?working together.


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