Resurgence of India (Indra) and Global Society Series…307, Vedic Literature of Mother India on Cognitive Economics
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of India and the Global Society,????
Kind Attn:?UN, All Ministries of Member Nations of UN, especially Ministry of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and?Defence.,?The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the??global Society.
(Note: Economics is the Cognitive Science of inherent Values of human justice. Human welfare and happiness of Society are the fundamental aims of economic management. Now the question to ponder on is that despite being rich in natural resources and technological developments why the economic front of many countries remains bleak?, why are industries of such countries are mere cipher in fast emerging global market for goods and services? Why do vast majorities of population remain economically poor with insignificant buying power? Why is there economic disparity among people? Why there poor investment in industries? Why is there recession and high rate of inflation in such countries?
Obvious reason for all this poor state of affairs is that modern economy is not developed from the human enterprising spirit of values and justice. Inherent values of people stand neglected imposing an external economy on people making the life very complex burden, justice in question neglect of human right to industry and education. For industry and even for our education we are compelled to take loan adverse to the concepts of Mother Nature and now taxing on birth is also on the verge.
Neglect and wastage of human values is not the Cognitive economics of humanism. Such practices of inhumanness are the cause of shop floor conspiracy, partisan politics, militant unionism and the present capitalist outset. Capitalist’s values demons for the trade and tax customs of exploit developing?political platforms of DHANAVAS( hoarders), where human elements of truth, trust and fair has no relevance. Human factors are considered alien to demons. Demons live in under world of artificial intelligence rather in a world of illusion different from humanity, and from the world of planets and the stars.
A Good vision should be the motivating drive before any economic decision. It is the SUDARSAN OF KRISHNA (good Vision of the Intellect) at micro and macro sense rather the individual entrepreneurial spirit and collectively the state vision that will serve as value base for any sustainable activity. Though it is intellectual, it is the natural process. Unfortunately, in the modern Society, our vision got blurred and we kept away from the path of natural excellence resulting to Economic, Social, Political stress and all round chaos with desperate customs of sick health and weak wealth.?Though the modern society has set the socio-economic scope from demon to democracy, unfortunately we could liberate ourselves so far from the coffins rather from the annihilative systems of demons of underworld.
Most unfortunate factor is that Parental Nations, the Mother India and the China still keep roar to be victims of demon systems of economics in neglect of the inherent cognitive systems and culture of human values. Why at all east should repeat the folly of the west even at this proven after effect juncture of pandemic?
Vedic India addresses on Economics of humanism and China respectively on Mongolians Art of industriousness. Therefore, the role of Mother India and China is to re-build the global Society re-footing economics of health and wealth on human foundations. It is time to forego mutual rivalries take up natural responsibilities of Universal parenthood.
We are human beings and cannot remain in alien in the underworld of illusion anymore. It is time to rise up from our deadly unconsciousness and of the viral vibrations.)
Lesson 3.2: Vedic Literature of Mother India on Cognitive Economics
Vedic Literature is based on INTELLECT OF MOTHER NATURE and she advocates economics as Cognitive principles of inherent Values-the MAHA LAKSHMI (PURPOSEFUL OR AIMFUL MISSION OF OPULENCE OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY). Opulence means inherent spirit of Values as Cognitive Science and Art of Peace (Equity or equal distribution of values) for prosperity (Contentment rather collective happiness).
As per the above principle, the natural objective of economic mission is to educate for purposeful employment for creativity and social equity. Purposeful missions in common are agree culture to education and industry for food, shelter and services of safety and security. Here the role of the State as collective mentoring system synergic to Mother Nature is to nurture human spirit educationally promoting an entrepreneurial culture industriously for fruition of inherent values in direct the resources collectively for social benevolence towards the cognitive economic mission of peace and prosperity. There are three systems in cognition to the Centrist Management left link as:
SRAMADAN (Freedom to Prosper) for social benevolence was the mission of SARASWATHI (MEANINGFUL SCIENCE AND ART OF MOTHER)-the Cognitive Education System, and at right link as:
RAMADAN (State of Mind of Fruition) for Social welfare was the Cognitive mission of LAKSHMI (PURPOSEFUL LIFE CULTURE), centrist being cognitive chemistry of:
SANADAN (Social Equity) - the DHARMA (Duty Conscious Role) of DURGA-the MATHANGI (Social Mother rather the role of democratic Mentor)
Ancient world of Mother India, Iran, Israel were based on the above Egypt (Ethical truthful mission-MAMMIES), and how come, TRUTH (Cognitive Science and ART of Mother Nature) differ when explained in regional colloquies.
It reflects that we have become very irreligious grown from mischievous DEMON customs to RAKSHASAS (MIND/MAN EATERS) as criminals deviating from INDRASHIP (STUDENTSHIP) unaware of ISLAMIC (INDUSTRIOUS) CULTURE in neglect, misuse and abuse of GOMATHA (Mother Nature-the Climate).
To be cont’…d
Directives from the?NGO SCOSAQ?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?Integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations. Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously?working together.