Resurgence of India (Indra) and Global Society Series... 281, Space transcend to Sports (KALIYATTAM) to eliminate the DHARIKAS (Hoarders)-Capitalism

Resurgence of India (Indra) and Global Society Series... 281, Space transcend to Sports (KALIYATTAM) to eliminate the DHARIKAS (Hoarders)-Capitalism

My beloved people of India and the Global Society,        

Kind Attn: UN, All Ministries of Member Nations of UN, especially Ministry of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy and Culture of India and of other Nations of the  global society.

(Note: Resurgence of Excellence in the Global Society is the Mission of the SCOSAQ-the NGO introducing Natural rather Cognitive Science and Art of the Universe for improved Social Peace and Prosperity liberate us from the pandemic environment and of ill customs of lust, greed and pride, regenerate our natural inherent spirit of Love and Affection of Working Together for our Sustainable Development.

It is with the above objective, this academic research series has been initiated. A brief on origin of the Universe and subsequent evolution from Himalayan Values had already been explained through our previous articles as a re-look to our History of Evolution.

 Ancient World mainly India being the South of Himalayas was the Mother of Academic research and pioneer of Education and Human Development enriching the then initial Society. Present China was known as the Mongolians enriched in industrious Martial arts. There were a spirit of working together in ancient age and thus were flourishing.

Subsequent flood resulting to the appearance of seven continental terrains and further migrations from the first resurgence efforts from Mother India based on Vedic literature and of its Research institutions of MANU SMUTHI (Recollected from Memory of the Past Experience) extending cognitive Science, Art  and Culture to Greece, West Asia etc had also been reviewed. Thereafter depressions and mishap of Medieval World History and the forge of barbarians in West Asia and thereafter re-surge efforts in West Asia consequent to Holy Jesus and Holy Mohammed Prophet caused to the upsurge of West  and West Asia with the realizations of Common Wealth, imperialism and to the further Democratic Rationalism globally including  Modern India.

Mother India being the center of attraction had been victim to the adversities of all conquerors and invaders made her restrict to herself like a tortoise pull her head from all global changes cautiously out of the fear and because of earlier inhuman met outs and even today the elements of fear camouflage us at the root of our Indian mind.  

To recoup to our subject of present re-surge initiative of SCOSAQ-the NGO, we have learnt that the Universe have been developed as a Unique state of Humane Ship from an atom through a natural process of empowerment of sustainability in realize of inherent  cognitive science and skills of Entrepreneurship and we human being are within molecules as on as white and red corpuscles in it’s either in naves or in its neural system as elemental and we have to go far ahead in realize our cognitive relations to reach out to the cells of heart and further to the Soul in course of time adopting cognitive education so as to be the real harmonious  entrepreneurial players of creativity of society rather overall family  benevolence of peace and prosperous living in homogeneously.

We have also subsequently realized that we have been sustained in elemental state of us for a long unable to play  and enjoy the harmony of creativity in the natural field of the human system, being wrecked getting into the clutches of pandemic world of lust, greed, pride, hoard, anger, arrogance and illustrious unsustainable  nature  cause to  the world of whelps and of its conflict and crisis customs of dived and rule in hunger and of its tragic dilemma.

The agony is that, unable to reach out to the heart and soul environment of our parental qualities of  creativity of affection and love, we have been tormented by our own ignorance thus made to submit all available values of residues  by way of interest to loan,  tax to products and services, rent for land and building, license fee to do anything, application fee and thereafter recurring renewal fees audit fees, and many of such related fees for being in  threat oriented dormant  of un-sustainable social customs and practices of DHARIKAS-Capitalists.  BHISHMACHARYAS and DRONACHARYAS ( Management Gurus and Industrial Gurus) destined to be Destiny of Guardians of cataract Kings field Coaches makes shop floor players to run so fast so to harm further our lean health for medals of  illustrious recognition of no reason of jigger. Although there were efforts to re-generate unity in global spirit of creativity and social governance in formation of Olympic, the common wealth games, and the United Nations Organizations etc, but all are made to remain in its restricted field of rituals. And now finally we have reached a state of COVID-19 where even such systems of juggle are in panic warning all of us for a CHANGE or face a total disaster once again.

All these are the result of our non-enlightened state of our YOGA rather unawareness of cognitive know-how of Vision, Mission and Application process of life for being in harmony of Entrepreneurship.

As such, our subsequent efforts are for creating awareness of our self in sequence well aware of enemies of SUMBHA NISUMBHA (LUST and its ALLY), MAHISHASURA (ANIMALISM OF ARROGANT MENTORS), and TARAKASURA (PRIDE KNOWLEDGE MASTERS NOT SHARING OR EN-CASH KNOWLEDGE TRADERS ), DHARIKASURA (CAPITALISTS-HOARDERS), and like many small and big challenges of our evolving river of live neural system. We need to empower us further towards the platform of real republics and Democrats’ platforms of life excellence.  (Ref: SIVA PURANA (LIFE SCIENCE OF INDIA-INDRA-SELF).

Chapter 10

Man- the Society and Mankind-the People

MAN is the inherent space field of Bio-Current of the Universal being generally known in its present empowerment state as the CLIMATE-Cognitive, Linguistic-Intelligence field of MATE-THE VISWA MITRA (UNIVERSAL LOVING ARTIST-rather GURU) and the AFFECTIONATE MOTHER MARY.

Mankind is the breeds of Human Beings-we the Cognitive people as children of the Universal parents in the further extended inherent space field of the Universal Parent could be well addressed as Human Society.

As Human Breeds in our INERT form or its next INTELLIGENT form we remain at the lap of affectionate Mother as Elemental. Further we have to educate ourselves to play creatively in elder’s projects as participants. At INTELLECTUALLY rather mentally, we get graduated for being in Republic rather enabling to role play for social benevolence.  For being in INNOVATIVE state of Entrepreneurship, we have to further empower as a post graduate. And for being as a democrat, we have to further enter informal rather inherent spiritual platforms of the Universe through aspiring Research.

Therefore, absolutely, there is no death, but transcend of us from one to other state of quality forms for consecutively role playing as participants in different projects of creativity and its elevated games of management of duty consciousness and further responsible roles of democrats and of  much higher level Social Preceptors of high end technology and Skills.

 To be Cont’…d

Directives from the NGO SCOSAQ and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE; Integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations. Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously working together.


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