Resurgence of India (Indra), the Global Society and Cognitive Work Culture series…68, Post COVID Education from Mother India for Human Culture
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of India and the global Society,???????
Kind Attn:?United Nations, Member Nations of UN and of its Cognitive Systems, especially Ministry of Home Affairs, HRD, Health Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence, The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments,?Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy, Industry and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the global society,
(Note: Where we –the people of Modern Society went wrong to land into a pandemic world of affairs enveloped in sufferings and conflicts? This question has to be answered first before we take up or design a post COVID Education and Work Culture.
First of all, we have to understand that Human Culture is Cognitive Culture of Consciousness of Sustainability. ?Collectively or Socially MOTHER INDIA-(Motherhood) or Individually INDRA (Intelligence of awareness) is the first Nature of Human Consciousness; Thus, MOTHER NATURE is the first Mentor of Human as a Macro Social System-the Human Society. Unfortunately, we the people of Modern Society have not given any importance to Mother Nature in our Education System. Thus we have become inhuman as Mankind rather as bonsai continue to be in INERT STATE-(Seed form) unable to stretch out mentally and spiritually. There are limitations for any kind, to think independently. Thinking independently is the life element of sustainability.
Secondly, Cognitive Education is the integration process of sustainable life; whereas we- the people of Modern Society, disintegrated ourselves academically (religiously), industrially (agree-culturally) and socially (politically) building barriers to the natural flow of the rivers of love, affection unable to share the common Values of life enrichment. Religion is academic; whereas modern society considers religion different from academics and striped being exploitation becomes difficult in organized society. Religion organizationally orients people for social industriousness and sharing of common wealth.
?Thirdly, most of us are not aware of the inherent Social rather political sub systems in force of Mother Nature. Until unless we acquire the knowledge of correlative social development systems of Mother Nature, we will not be able to design appropriate cognitive social development systems for human sustenance.
Political systems of Mother Nature exist in Universe in consecutive hierarchy of (1) TIME or KALA for elemental development,(2) as MANN or MIND for mental and(3) as SPACE or JAGATH for Spiritual development. Mentors respectively in Consecutive order are the KALI-KNIGHT –( Experts of Applied Science), LAKSHMI-AIM-( ?Purposeful Missionary community) and DURGA-DAY or DEVI –( Enlightened Visionaries).
Culturing is the Fourth interlinking factors as the Cognitive linguistic Art-the SARASWATHI-(Scientifically or meaning full communities) as the Chief Mentors of SANADHAN DHARMA-(Duty Conscious Art of Wisdom).
Accordingly, people are to be mentored in consecutive order of YANTRIS-VOCATIONAL Communities, MANTRIS-MANAGERIAL Communities and TANTRIS-TECHNOLOGICALLY oriented communities to perform the Art of Wisdom independently to project the product and services valuable for social benevolence. Independence is fifth State of freedom of realization of Unity in Diversity rather Love and affection of oneness.
From the above, what we have to understand that we are all time beings physically with accessibility to the chemistry of atmosphere and to informal spiritual worlds of philosophy for industrious culture for our sustainable living.?Wisdom to integrate is the cognitive culture of Independence of freedom of life beings. Wisdom is the linguistic art –the SRUTHI (MUSIC OF MISSIONARY HEART) to access the independent Soul-SMRITHI (BRAIN OF VISION HEAD). Cognitive movement of SMRITHI and SRUTHI is BUDHI-Benevolent Resources individually as well collectively. Social harmony and opulence is inherently exists in wisdom communities.)
Asana is the position of the Soul hood-the Vision of the body individually and collectively or socially the KSHETRA- the Wisdom Seat of Social Mentor-the Missionary.
Pranayama pertain to Cognitive Practice of Vision and Mission. It is here the relevance of KSHETRA KALA-(Cognitive Art of valuable resources for social benevolent of deliverance.
KSHETRA was the Centrist Social System of Ancient India, where the respective subject GURU (preceptor) sits. Respective Subjects were of Elemental, Mental and Spiritual Nature. There were temples from Villages to University and to International University of consecutive order like NALANDA, TAKSHASILA etc. These holistic human relations of love and affection free from fear and threat only had later got destroyed by conquerors replaced with threat and exploit systems and customs of conquer.
Now, it is time to re-surge the excellence of Mother India imparting cognitive education and this is the Social Mission of the civil Society SCOSAQ-the NGO establishing its first RISHIKULAM in India.
(The Advantages of Mother India: the advantages of Mother India are her blessed Nature. Neither elemental qualities nor the spiritual Nature could be destroyed by any means. Conquerors could destroy social harmony and opulence culture of India quite for long time, but the root been intact, a warm re-surge is always on the anvil. Mother India is blessed Nation and her enriches are incomparable to any dollar terms. ?We are poor because of our own sluggishness developed out of intoxicated spirit of lust greed and pride. The culture of social equity will bring back the virility in its true spirit for Universal well being.)
To be cont’…d
Directives from the NGO SCOSAQ?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?Integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the nations. Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously working together.
Education Management Professional
3 年I have read this very enlightening piece and felt satisfied with a view that I expressed .If we want peace on earth we have to share the wisdom of India with the world.