Resurgence of India (Indra), the Global Society and Cognitive Work Culture Series…56, Economics is inherent Values of Justice; War is a Social Crime

Resurgence of India (Indra), the Global Society and Cognitive Work Culture Series…56, Economics is inherent Values of Justice; War is a Social Crime

My beloved people of India and the global Society,???????

Kind Attn:?United Nations, Member Nations of UN and of its Cognitive Systems, especially Ministry of Home Affairs, HRD, Health Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defence, The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments,?Leaders of Religion, Politics, Academy, Industry and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the global society,

(Note: We are human beings as Conscious seeds. Seeds are to be cultured consciously towards its magnificence, because the whole worlds of things are created by Consciousness and Consciousness cannot be destroyed by any means. One can modify the world of things and not the consciousness. It was based on this natural science and art of the consciousness, ancient Indians rather Indras (individual Consciousness) were nurtured and empowered institutionalizing Universities in synergy. The term INDRA is only culturally known as ISLAMIC. CROSS of CHRISTIANITY reflects the same meaning that we are not, but that consciousness of sustainable development.

The term “GOMATHA” means Mother Nature as highlighted in Sanskrit Literature of ancient world. The conscious human quality of her children (intellectual Indras) is the Consciousness –KRISHNA- the real democrat of Islamic Culture of solidarity in realization of the magnificence of cognitive oneness-the Christianity.

Unfortunately something went wrong in our present human understanding of us becoming elemental disrespect of our inherent (motherly) values and Universal justice. Scientifically, we are nowhere in near to life consciousness unaware of our conscious links and art of human relations, otherwise we would have been got empowered in that order of conscious systems and culture. ?Most of us live in unconscious slums of viruses of jealous (cancer), arrogance (greed), sickness (lust), conflicts (fear), divide and rule (virus of exploit), conceit (pride) etc., like of ?hazardous viruses of truncating versions of unruly.)

Lesson 3: Economics is the Inherent Values

“Hei, the Human being Rama, please don’t get desperate; you are the conscious link of the absolute Consciousness-MAHA VISHNU (Universal Philosophy of consciousness) and of the life chemistry- Mother Nature KOUSHALYA (Skilled Mother of creativity and entrepreneurship-the CLIMATE) and the brother LAKSHMANA ?is your inherent ally of (Objective Aim) ?in the projected body of BHARATHA (Enlightened Physic) capable of secure your-self from any viral enemies being the spirit of SATHRUGNA-the real democrat of Justice; hence you have to empower yourself as the real warrior?for the welfare of one and all” said Ancient Profess orate VASHISTA) Ref: YOGA VASHISTA.

Economics is the Values of Justice inherent in us. We need not search for values externally. We need to learn to acquire the WILL on graduation to wed the SITA (Peace) for being a Social Mentor for harmonious empowerment of the Youth skillfully in fruition for the social benevolence and sustainable evolution.

(SCOSAQ-the NGO Civil Society trust in the Universal principle of Working together as one global family and ?is Confident in our Universal ?motherly spirit of love and affection capable to re-link the Mankind back into Universal family from the ?present disintegrated state of elementals.?The Society has already submitted its humble project profile to the Government of India, UN University and UN ECOSOC for basic information that there is HAPPINESS in store for us and we have to learn to live in harmony in realization of the SRI (opulence) in our every RAMA (Quality of values and justice inherent in all of us)

We are called the HRD People of INDIA; but we are the People for the Whole World as India’s International Organization for Human Resource Development and Educational Opportunity and Cultural Relations.

The Training will be imparted absolutely free developing as DHARMA KSHETRA OF KURU KSHETRA (DUTY CONSCIOUSNESS IN JUSTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY).?Offerings from the beneficiaries also are for the Welfare, Sustenance, Livelihood and Economic development of all. And here the profile of the project for general awareness:

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To be cont’…d

Directives from the NGO SCOSAQ?and its COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?Integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the nations. Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously working together.



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