Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…460: Enlightened Principles of Sustainable Values
RAMADAN SHIP (Enlightened Principles of Sustainable Values)

Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…460: Enlightened Principles of Sustainable Values

My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,

Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.

Note of Special Attention: This article to be read in continuation to the previous article series …459 on the subject “A New World Order of Scientific Democracy”

It is mainly because of our unawareness of the Conscious or Enlightened Principles of Sustainable Values that we the poor people mostly suffer in the present cloudy weather of Confused Academics and Conflict Customs of Industries of the Non-intellectual Social Mentors and Democratic Masters of the global Society having ?simply involved in exploit and threat customs of? trade and tariff instead of? Natural Mentor ship Culture of Compassion, Empathy and Sympathetic Principles and Creativity Concepts of Love and Affection of humanities of Mother Nature:

(Elucidation Note: The above mentioned present unconscious Nature or childish mental state of us is due to the abduction of GURU KULAMS OF BHARAT MATHA (three Quality DRICS of? Human Dynamics or Actual human Society of Quantum Physics) to a deep state under water or under Moon of West, simultaneously embed her evil spirit of exploitation, bring and rule all the GOKALS OR PASUS and CALVES (Nations and Societies) under the radical politics and fanatic religions with speculative tools of doll Values, while equally keep the common mass totally hidden ?from the beloved conscious parents of Mother Nature- the BHARAT MATHA and of her righteous principles of human development and social empowerment as well of her valuable sustenance and sustainable culture of humanities, and? all these are smoothly done by means of gossip tricks of mal-paid journalist customs of the west as well mal-functionaries* of KAMSA ?(LUST BEINGS AS KINGS). (*Mal-functionaries means ill social customs of evidence seekers like police, judiciary and academics etc., unaware of enzyme and essence effects of VASUDEVERS and PRACHETAHASES (JESUS and KRISHNA like Social Parents and Conscious GURUS), how one can show evidence to the enzyme effects of the GINGER, or sweet of the SUGAR, it has to be experienced. Who is competent to arrest the informal conscious beings like Lord JESUS and Lord KRISHNA, when they can take birth even in Coffin or in Jail, it is such wrong social acts of Pilothouses, that the entire KARMA CHAKRA (wheels of Creative Culture) of the PASUS or GOKUL or COWS rather Quantum Physics of Societies and Nations, find wrecked as the fact that none of us are aware the humanities- ??the Entrepreneurial Conscious beings of informal nature.)

With the above Pity state of Social Dilemma of Threat and Bern of War Mongers and gossiping ?brew? of Journalists; ?the global society had been already underwent two world wars cause to anchor us? as resident ship, having wrecked all the four wheels of the Social ship,? ?even then learned nothing on the real aspect of humanities (Conscious Life Science of sustainable human evolution), and as of now being stand anchored in the same wrecked ship, sailors of the most of nations still not come out of the intoxicated spirit of exploit customs of politics and religions of greed, lust and pride of arrogance. Now a state has been reached, where, even the so called exploit mechanism of social governance of west find difficult to survive for want of money and might and are in search of new addicts of drugs and in embed more and more fees on vital aspirations of the people while equally opt to permit more and more licenses of distilleries and drugs of super spirit of intoxication at the shop floor while elite floor is in total ambiguity because of the recent failures of NATO VETO Pits and perplexed state of field bowlers of many countries.

And it is to address this panic state of affairs of the global society; the BHARAT MATHA is now emerging again presenting her real cognitive Science and Art of social Diplomacy in her own natural perspective of duty Consciousness.)

Training Note 6.1: Natural Perspective of humanities or Duty Conscious Maternity for our kind pursue

The Universe is PARA BRAHMA (INHERENT CONSCIOUS PASU-GOMATHA-SUSTAINABLE WISDOM) pivoted on the ANANDA SATYA SAI (Centrist INFINITE PILLAR OF TRUTH) generally referred as SHIV LINGA in Sanskrit, ??which further projected as INDRA LOKA-the ELEMENTAL BRAHMA as PANCHA MUGA GANAPATHI ( INDRA BEING THE CENTRIST CONSCIOUSNESS WITH FOUR SOCIAL LEADERS OF DUTY CONSCIOUSNESS of BHARAT MATHA; i.e., (1) SHIV-SAKTHI occupies NORTH of Himalaya as enlightened Principles of Sustainable Values, and (2) SUN as the PARENT HOOD at EAST, (3) MOON as MATERNITY Concepts at WEST and (4) MARS OF COGNITIVE RIGHTS, ETHICS AND VALUES as PROSPEROUS PHILOSOPHY at SOUTH as formally visible to all of us as Social or spiritual or Duty Conscious Maternity and Conscious Principles of preceptor ships as considered as concepts of ?RAMADAN in Arabic and as SOLEMN – Rights of Kings as mentioned in the holy Bible.

Subsequently emerged are the four dimensional safety principles of the DHARMA SASTRA (Duty Conscious Planets at the North as Principles of DHARMA (Human RIGHTS), ARTHA ?(VALUES), KAMA (ETHICS) and MOKSHA (FREEDOM of humanities).

We human beings are the elemental projections of the TARA GANAS (Star like Cognitive beings of the Independent Society).

Therefore, in Natural perspective of humanities are concerned, East and West are the real parenthood Nature as Cognitive Missionaries under the Preceptor ship of SUN as the democratic Master referred as SANAKA in Sanskrit means MURARI (BULL- PADHI) and Mentorship of MOON as the Republican Mentor referred as SANANDHAN (PROSPEROUS COW-PASU) of us- we the poor people of youth as of the SAHASRA NETRAS (Innumerable? prospective Visionaries or Cognitive Links of the INDRA LOKA or as venerable mass of the SANADAN and SANAL KUMAR (MARS Community of safety and Security exists between North and South.)

Training Note 6.2: MANU SMRUTHI (Conscious Memory) and Analysis

The life span of elemental human beings as formerly considered was 120 Years. As elemental BRAHMA is concerned, this 120 years of like a span of 12 Seconds and KRISHNA Consciousness is concerned it is not even 12 Micro seconds. As such, the real fact is that we are simply dreaming in our coffin (MAMMIES) and the real birth of Consciousness or humanities yet to take place to mentor us towards sustainable world of human evolution.

According to Vedic Texts of BHARAT MATHA, even much before the BC era, our ancient GURUS (Preceptors) had already been identified and narrated about 14 MANNANTHERS (MENTAL WORLDS), 32 GANAPATHIS (Elemental Mentors), 36 SANGA PALAKAS (Social Mentors) and 28 VEDA VYASAS (Groups of ?Star principles or democrats) etc. ?All these KARMA CHAKRAS (Mission Vision Wheels of entrepreneurial Work Culture) of the Universal ship is presently in wrecked state, and most of us are struck in earthly society, without any awareness about our own bio-technology and Nano-technology rather our conscious roles and rights in our ever pervasive Universal tree of RAMADAN SHIP, Courtesy holy Quran.

To be Cont.’…d?

Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working[email protected]


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