Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…454: Cognitive Science of Economics and of the real Banking System
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.
Note of Special Attention: Heartily Salutation to the beloved Soldiers of Indian Army for upkeep of the Peace keeping Principle of BHARATH MATHA emulative to the global society as a whole, save us at least to retain to the certain extent of elemental state of us from the brought out conundrum customs of the speculative finance, ill politics and from irreligious mockery as well from the loan oriented social customs of Academics, Industries and of the enforced social rule of law of taxation or exploit in conceit.
The present Occident odious customs of trade of finance and of its speculative practice is what else other than, obvious evidences of our unconscious or of ill-politics and of the mal- functions or inhuman tactics in distract every sprouting creativity aspirations of the emerging youth; And these had not been the real cause of our sickness and desperation further damage the entire society to the current lame state?
(Elucidation Note: The above are not the concepts of humanities and of the valuable Principles of economics that had been prescribed in VISWA KARMA PURANAS of Mother INDRA-the the Mother INDIA or of the Indus Valley Civilization as a whole.
According to VISWA KARMA PURANA, Planet MARS is the sixth dimensional BRAHMA TATVA (Conscious Principle of Values) - the SOLDIER as the fundamental Principles of Humanity or of the Life Science of Love and Affection of Values of SANADAN DHARMA and which had been originated out of Cognition of five elements of the Universe as the first SANGA CHAKRA (ORGANIATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF SANAKADI’S*-ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES).
?(* SANAKADI’S refers to the original CLIM- Cosmic Linguistic and Intellectual Mates, i.e., (1) SANAKA- KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS OF MERCURY SPACE, (2) SANANDAN - Expanded Space of industrious enrichment-the JUPITER, (3) SANADAN – Value oriented Society of love and affection of humanities- the MARS and the (4) Judicious Space of social enactments – the SATURN of social equity.)
And we human beings are the VISWA KARMAS as independent society of MANU KULAM (SOCIETY of Cognitive Wisdom of creativity for human sustenance and sustainable evolution of the Universe). And the CONSCIOUS MENTORS were considered as MADHAVAS-(ECONOMICALLY or VALUABLE CONTENTED BEINGS) as cognitive links on earth of the above SANAKADI’S in the respective evolving spirit of Values.
In the absence of CONSCIOUSNESS (Cognitive Know-how of Creativity MENTORS) IN OUR SOCIETY; all the elements exists in disintegrated manner like us we the human beings of the present disintegrated society of unconsciousness.
(Present Hope of Scope: The emerging new BHARATH is the present hope of scope. BRICS being it’s BRAHASPATHI (EXPANDED VERSION) and of course, the newly emerging Republican America is the emerging MARS LINKS- the UNNI YESU DEVA)
Training Note 3: Cognitive Science of Economics and of the real Banking System
According to BRAHMA TATVA of BHARATH MATHA, Economics is referred as ISWARYA (OPULENCE), which is the inherent Quality of Values known as SAKTHI of SHIVA (Sustainable Conscious Energy of the Life Force).
SAKTHI or Conscious Energy is the whirl pool theory known as the fundamental Principles of PARA BRAHMA (Inherent Skills of Creativity of SANADAN DHARMA), which is presently unknown to us, being we the people of present society stand disconnected from Mother Nature.
SHIV SAKTHI or the Universal Energy is the REPUBLICAN Mentoring force that flows out to the LEFT as its Natural Conduct because of the gravitation theory of attraction. Consciousness is the SOUL HOOD - the DEMOCRATIC SOLDIERS of the SHIV SAKTHI that carry the SAKTHI ahead towards RIGHT in integration sense involve every elements as valuable participants or players for overall benevolence in harmony of peace and prosperity. ?When get struck, TURN ABOUT (REPULSION CONCEPT) to seek guidance from Preceptors is the duty conscious human right of every soldier or democrat or DEVA (Enlightened Soul).
(Aspiring Note: ?We will explain every aspect of economics and of its banking theory very scientifically hereafter; However the aspiring spirit of Mother Nature is the real motivation that well happening before us as has been seen from the beloved Mother BHARAT heartily integrating beloved INDONESIA to the every advancing steps of her Republic reflect the ancient spirit of love and affection for working together for benevolence of one and all. Courtesy stated below: ???
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working[email protected]