Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…453: Re-emergence of Conscious Society from BHARAT MATHA
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.
Note of Special Attention: The Universal Panorama is so wonderful being the adventure Sports of PRASUDHI (Enlightened or Conscious life generally referred as BRAHMAN or SUDHAN as of full of harmony and happiness) based on PRAKRUTHI (Cognitive Science and Art of Creativity- the duty conscious CLIMATE) and NIRVRIDHI (know-how of Entrepreneurial freedom) capable of address all challenges in front as the real Principles of humanities of a natural democratic Society. Ref Text: NARADHA PURANA (Science and Technology of Mobile or republican Artisans).
How to reach out to that Conscious state of Master ship of Freedom and to the duty Conscious state of Mentoring Artists of Creativity, so as to transcend all of us to a conscious global society of harmony and happiness?
(Religious or Righteous Solutions: According to Vedanta Sutra, YOGA VASHISTA suggests mainly two means to attain eternal Consciousness and they are:
1. VIVEKA (Senses of discrimination between the real and the unreal).
2. VIRAGYA (dispassion or indifference towards sensual enjoyments here and hereafter) which again consists of the following six fold virtues or treasures of Wisdom:
(i)????????? SHEMA ( Serenity of Mind)
(ii)??????? DAMA (Restraint of the Senses)
(iii)???? UPARATI ( Renunciation of satiety)
(iv)?????? TITIKSHA (Endurance with regard in full faith)
(v)???????? SAMADANA ( Peace of mind of every one)
(vi)?????? MOKSHA ( Freedom of every one)
Similarly in Arabic literature of Islamic UMMAT (brother hood) culture, “MRIGABALI is the righteous Solution to reach out to the Allah-the eternal Conscious ship; which means we have to sacrifice all sort of selfish greed, lust and pride of arrogance as these are not of the creations of Allah”.
“ISAOH will punish all those wicked of social iniquity and will halt all those arrogance of the proud to reinstate principles of humanity” Ref holy Bible.
Therefore, to enjoy the Republican will of wisdom of social harmony and democratic rights of sustainable freedom of happiness, we have to rise up with the unity principles of love and affection of virgin Mother Nature- the BHARATH MATHA)
Training Note 2: Cognitive Science and Art of Creativity and Entrepreneurship
According to the teachings of SUDHAN (Enlightened or Conscious BRAHMAN), the Universe is belong to PARA BRAHMA (Inherent Principles of Consciousness- the Virgin Mother Nature). And those who are placed as Republican Mentors and Democratic Masters are to be the real BAGAVANS* with six Skills of SHUNMUGAS** capable enough to take care of the poor people- the prospective youth.
(*BHAGAVANS means PARTNERS, Mother Nature as a whole is one PART and BHAGAVANS are the partners of her eternal culture.
(** SHUNMUGAS represent six fold mentoring rights like MARS and they are
(1)? Opulence like DEVI BHAGAVATHI ( Democratic or Enlightened Mother of Wisdom)
(2)? Courage Like Soldier
(3)? Wisdom like a Professor
(4)? Freedom like an Entrepreneur
(5)? Treasurer of Social Wealth
(6)? ?Truthful being acceptable to one and all.
Courtesy to NAGA PURANA (Conscious Science of BHARATH MATHA
We will continue with detail lessons in our due course of the series…….
To be Continued……..
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working[email protected]